SGAC The Netherlands

National Points of Contact The Netherlands

The Netherlands has a rich history in space science, exploration, and technology, going back centuries. Through a combination of cutting-edge research, world-beating technology, and a desire to understand and explore the heavens, the Netherlands continues to help pave the way forward for the next generation of space enthusiasts.

Space activities in the Netherlands comprise a broad variety of scientific endeavours, smart use of space data (e.g., dyke inspection) and highly innovative industrial product developments.

This SGAC site provides a broad overview of existing activities and key entities that are involved in the Dutch space sector.

Young Space Activities Overview in The Netherlands

For space enthusiasts there are several ways to become involved and get in contact with other young likeminded people:
Netherlands Space Society (NVR) – The NVR organises various events like movie nights, lectures, debates, SpaceBorrels (network events) and speed-dates (interaction (young) space professionals with students) for their members. In addition the society publishes their own magazine on a quarterly basis. Students can become a member for free or reduced price if they wish to receive the paper version of the magazine. Please visit the NVR website for more information.
Space Department (RVD) – one of the two departments of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’, the study society run by and for students of the aerospace faculty of the Delft university of technology.
Delft Aerospace Rocket Engineering – better known as DARE, is an amateur rocket organisation of enthusiastic students at Delft University of Technology.
Royal Dutch Association for Meteorology and Astronomy (KNVWS) – Youth Working Group (JWG) of the KNVWS is a national organisation of young people (official age 8 to 21 years) with interest in astronomy.
International Space University Alumni NL – Facebook-group for all alumni of the International Space University now living in the Netherlands.

GeoVUsie– Society for Geosciences students that study at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Country-Specific Events in 2023

Coming soon!

Interesting Web Links

Groups & Entities
