Almost two decades ago, the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) was born out of the recommendations of the Space Generation Forum at UNISPACE III in 1999. Since then, SGAC has grown into a global organisation that represents the voice of the youth with 13,000 members in the six United Nations regions and more than 150 countries around the world.

Join us in Vienna on 16th -17th June 2018 to celebrate SGAC at the Space Generation Forum 2.0!

Kindly hosted by:

FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency)

Sensengasse, 1, 1090 Vienna, Austria

SGF 2.0 Aims:

  • To bring together all the different SGAC generations to celebrate SGAC’s creation at UNISPACE III and to discuss how SGAC activities should continue to evolve considering the UNISPACE+50 recommendations.
  • To create a capacity building event that allows SGAC members to better understand UNOOSA, COPUOS, and the international aspects of space from various perspectives.
  • To showcase SGAC’s roots and connections to the United Nations, in particular to the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UN OOSA) and the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS)and its subcommittees.
  • To create outcomes based on the thematic priorities of UNISPACE+50.
  • To present outcomes in the form of a conference room paper and technical presentations at UNISPACE+50/COPUOS.

SGF 2.0 Working Groups:

  1. Young Women in the Space Sector
  2. Space and the Sustainable Development Goals
  3. Space for Earth (including disaster management and low-emission, resilient societies)
  4. Capacity Building in the Space Sector
  5. Building Partnerships in Space with Industry and the Private Sector
  6. Space Weather
  7. Space for Global Health