Commercial Space Project Group
Commercial industries have always been on the leading edge of enabling crewed and uncrewed spaceflight. Today, we stand on the brink of the New Space age, dominated by the innovation and drive of international commercial space companies. All across the spectrum of the current space industry, commercial organizations are making their mark and are subsequently defining how the future of space will look for mankind. From nanosatellites to launch vehicles on the upstream, to wide spread applications on the downstream, commercial players around the world are pushing the boundaries of what is considered to be possible and are subsequently inspiring the next generation of space explorers.
When we think of the term Commercial Space, we do not solely consider companies around the world who are endeavoring to help propel humanity into the stars. We also think of the principle that all people should have the right to be a part of mankind’s reach into the final frontier. This approach has guided our organizational objectives, which are to:
- Conduct academic research on the Theory of Industrial Practice in the commercial space sector.
- Constitute a Think Tank to promote idea acceleration for commercial space purposes.
- Make our efforts influential upon decision-makers and widely publicized throughout the global space community.
- Equip the younger generation with the knowledge, tools and network to be active in the realm of commercial space and space-based entrepreneurship.
The Commercial Space Project Group (CSPG), under the SGAC, provides a platform for students and young professionals fully dedicated to discussing, studying and enabling the commercialization of space.
The group gathers more than 200 members from all around the world, to deliver quality research on space business topic, enable contamination and foster the creation of new startups. The Project Group has presented numerous papers and reports to the UN and the International Astronautical Congress. Established in 2013, the project group looks forward to becoming the reference platform for young individuals interested in Commercial Space.