Middle East Region

Welcome to SGAC Middle East Page!
Space activities in the Middle East are expanding rapidly. The future is promising as we are witnessing new announcements for projects and activities. SGAC Middle East network is also expanding rapidly. Today, there are 15 National Points of Contacts, and a regional team consists of three members. The Middle East – Space Generation Workshop (ME-SGW) is the largest space gathering for the youth in the region, and it is considered the main event for the SGAC Middle East network. In addition, NPoCs organize local activities in their countries.
In this page, you will find a summary about national space programs in each country. You will also find a summary of youth space activities.

Regional Coordinators Middle East

Regional Team Middle East

Young Space Activities Overview in the Region

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, SGAC Middle East organized only one event that was held in February 2020 in Jordan – Amman. All activities in 2020 will be based online. In May 2020, SGAC has finalized specific guidelines for online events, and SGAC Middle East will continue activities online. More announcements about future online events will be posted soon.

  • The Space Generation Congress (SGC) is the largest space congress for the youth in the world. SGC was planned to happen this year in Dubai. However, due to the COVID-19 crisis, SGC 2020 in Dubai will be postponed to be held in 2021 in Dubai. For 2020, SGC will be organized online.
  • ME-SGW is the largest space conference for the youth in the Middle East. This year, a new call will be announced to Host the second version for 2021.


The 1st Middle East Space Generation Workshop (ME-SGW)

The first edition of the Middle East Space Generation Workshop (ME-SGW) was organized in Istanbul, Turkey on 14-15 December 2019 in Istanbul Aydin University.