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The inaugural SGAC-IAF Seminar: Space Applications is a half-day event for university students and young professionals in the South-American region which will be held on the 21 May 2018  in Montevideo, Uruguay.

The SGAC-IAF Seminar: Space Applications will be held in conjunction with the Global Space Application Conference 2018 (GLAC 2018) organised by the International Astronautical Federation on 21-23 May 2018 in Montevideo, Uruguay. The aim of the event is to engage with the Uruguay and South American students and young professionals and  provide an opportunity for capacity building and policy input on space applications.

The event will be followed by a joint SGAC-IAF IDEA networking lunch.

Global Space Applications Conference 2018

The Global Space Applications Conference, GLAC 2018, to be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, will be the first time ever that IAF takes one of its Global Conferences to South America and also the first time that it organises an event in Uruguay.

GLAC 2018 is co-organised together with the Centro de Investigacion y Difuson Aeronautico-Espacial (CIDA-E), a member of the IAF since 1985 and one of ten IAF members from South America.


21 May SGAC-IAF Seminar: Space Applications
21 May – 23 May GLAC 2018


Start End Session Moderator/Speaker
8:00 8:30 Registration
8:30 8:45 Introduction TBD
8:45 9:00 Keynote 1: Gunter Schreier

Head Business Development – Deputy Director
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
9:00 9:15 Keynote 2: Dr. Christina Giannopapa

Head of Political Affairs Office
European Space Agency (ESA)
9:15 9:30 Keynote 3: John Horack

Professor and Neil Armstrong Chair
The Ohio State University – College of Engineering
9:30 9:45 Keynote 4: TBD
9:45 10:00 Group Work Introduction TBD
10:00 12:30 Group 1: IoT and Space Applications Victoria Alonsoperez
Group 2: Legal and Policy Challenges of Space Applications Krystal Wilson

Project Manager
Secure World Fundation
Group 3:Technology Development and Space Applications TBD
Group 4:Regional Collaboration in Space Applications TBD
12:30 12:50 Recap of Group Work One representative per working group
12:50 13:00 Closing Remarks TBD
13:00 14:00 SGAC/IAF IDEA Networking Lunch

Organising Team

Natalia Indira Vargas-Cuentas
Natalia Indira Vargas-Cuentas
Natalia is an electronic engineer from the Military School of Engineering (Escuela Militar de Ingeniería EMI) in La Paz – Bolivia. She is currently enrolled in a master program in Remote Sensing and Geo-Information Systems (RS & GIS) in Beihang University (BUAA), Beijing – China. Natalia is also the current Regional Coordinator of South America for the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), as well as Treasurer of the Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) of the Peru section. Her work experience includes research at the Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology Laboratory of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH), experience as engineer in Nexus Technology. Currently she is a researcher of the Image Processing Research Laboratory INTI-Lab, of the Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH) in Peru. Her other experience includes being the Principal organiser of the first and second Aerospace Bolivian Conference (ABC). She has also participated as keynote speaker in various academic events at national and international level and has published congress and journal papers.


Avid Roman-Gonzalez
Avid Roman-Gonzalez
Avid is currently an IEEE Senior Member, IEEE – AESS Distinguished Lecturer, and Regional Coordinator of South America for the Space Generation Advisory Council – SGAC. His background is an Electronic Engineer from the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco and Systems Engineer from the Universidad Andina del Cusco. Avid received his Master’s Degree in Industrial and Human Automatic, from the Université Paul Verlaine de Metz – France. He then received his Ph.D. Degree in Image and Signal Processing from TELECOM ParisTech supported by the French Space Agency (CNES) and German Aerospace Center (DLR). He was a Postdoctoral fellow at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. His work experience includes research at CNES and DLR, university teaching (UNI, UNSAAC, UAC, UNI, UPCH, and UCH), work experience as Engineer in CONIDA, SPECTRUM, EGEMSA, etc. Currently, he is the Coordinator of the Image Processing Research Laboratory (INTI-Lab) at Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH). He participates as keynote speaker and jury of projects in various academic events. He has many international published papers. His areas of interest are Signal and image processing, biometrics, artificial intelligence, human automation, bioengineering, industrial automatic, control, and aerospace technology.

Organised with


Please use the GLAC2018 website for our SGAC-IAF Seminar registration.

Select SGAC-IAF Seminar: Space Applications – 20 during registration


You can also register for GLAC2018 at the same time.

Young Professional 180€
Full-Time Student  60€
Gala Dinner Ticket 80€


Young Professionals – must be 35 years of age or less and must provide a proof of their date of birth by means of an official document (passport, ID card, etc).

Full-Time Students – must provide proof of their status.




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