March 30, 2021 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CST
To celebrate Women’s History Month, the Our Giant Leap from the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) has come up with a series of webinars to showcase women of SGAC. For each webinar, 2 women from 2 different SGAC regions will speak about their background and professional experience, including their role within SGAC.
Join us during your lunch or coffee break and enjoy a nice 45 minutes of discussion with the panelists.
You will be able to engage with them in the chat and ask your questions.
This second episode will feature women from North and Central America & South America.
Use #AskOGL to ask all your questions before, during and after the coffee hour on social media.
Confirmed Speakers
Jenny Carolina Robledo Asencio is an Aeronautical Engineer and has a master’s and Ph.D.’s in Space Engineering & Technology. She currently works in AIT coordination, research, and development of Small Satellites in the Coordination of manufacturing, Integration, and Test – COMIT at The National Institute for Space Research -INPE.
She is a Volunteer in the first Latin-America Competition of Small Satellites of INPE.
Elizabeth Barrios is a Research Engineer at NASA Langley Research Center. She received her PhD in Materials Science and Engineering in December 2020, where her research focused on the development of polymeric systems for thermoelectric applications through nanocomposite development with graphene products. This low TRL research led to Elizabeth being selected for the 2020 Luigi G Napolitano Award through the International Astronautical Federation, the Emerging Space Leaders award in 2018, and the NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship in 2016.
Roxy Williams is a computer engineering student, National Point of Contact for Nicaragua and General Coordinator for the Open Course Introduction to Space Engineering. Roxy has been a delegate in many of the SGAC’s workshops and in different working groups such as NASA Planetary Defense, Deep Space Exploration and SmallSats Constellations in LEO. Driven by a passion for inclusion and diversity in the space industry.
Roxy will moderate the coffee hour.