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How does astronaut food influence space exploration? What do we bring aboard for healthy next generation space missions?

Welcome to our webinar series on Health in Space: showing how space exploration is advancing and benefitting health(care) on Earth. Our speakers include experts in the field of space medicine and space life sciences, former or current astronauts, flight surgeons. These webinars are open to all to participate and offer an opportunity to engage with exciting speakers. The series is organized by the Space Generation Advisory Council project group Space Medicine and Life Sciences. We hope you learn a ton!
Our seventh episode will focus on food for health in space. We discuss the impact of nutrition to human space exploration and will tackle topics like off-world plant production, the value of nutritional science for astronaut health and the latest research projects (and opportunities). So, lots of food for thought. Or food for space…
At the end of the session, your questions will be answered by this stellar panel!
This session will be moderated by Jules Lancee, healthcare innovator here on Earth.



Our line-up of this episode includes:

Christina Valagkouti

Christina-Ariadni completed a BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics Science from Harokopio University of Athens and is now enrolled in Wageningen University and Research, in the 2nd year of her MSc specialization on Molecular Nutrition & Toxicology. Her vision of an effective space health system led her to the creation of SMLS’s “Space Nutrition” sub-group, that aims to offer learning opportunities and inspiration to nutrition scientists, and to demonstrate the potential of nutrition science to mitigate common health issues of not only astronauts, but also the general population.

Benjamin Greaves

Ben attended the University of Michigan and received a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters in Space Engineering. However, in recent years, through volunteering at local food pantries, interning at NASA to work on their advanced food production, and serving as a US Peace Corps Agricultural Volunteer in The Gambia, the importance of food security and food equity has become his passion. Now with Orbital Farm, Ben is developing off-Earth plant growth technologies and working towards food accessibility here on Earth.

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