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You are cordially invited to a special open-hour conversation on partnerships at the regional level with the SGAC African regional coordinators and partnership manager. The SGAC African team would like to take this opportunity to strengthen the partnership with your institution and present you with significant regional projects where your assistance might propel our robust space ecosystem to a new horizon. Partners are crucial for the continent and on a global scale. In order to build the Africa we want, we would like to create a worldwide coalition with your help to raise awareness through outreach programs, meet capacity-building goals, and deepen the integration of space sciences, applications, and technology in every country. Let’s leave behind something we can be proud of for future generations.

The Speakers

Tensae Ali: Regional Coordinator
Rania Toukebri: Regional Coordinator
Charles Nzeussi: Strategic partnership manager Africa
Prof. Timiebi U. Aganaba: from Space Governance Lab at ASU image.png
Prof. Melvin Hoare: from development in Africa with Radio Astronomy (DARA)  image.png
Ramasamy Venugopal: from Office of Astronomy for Development, an IAU-NRE Partnership


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