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The NPoC from Nicaragua and the NPoCs of the Caribbean (Saint Lucia, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, and Barbados) are organizing the first collaborative 8 weeks competition on CubeSat Mission Design, SGAC_Decode. The first of its kind competition that will not only be a competition but an opportunity of professional growth as well as learning. 

SGAC_Decode is a CubeSat Mission design competition for Nicaraguan and Caribbean students and young professionals. This 8 weeks competition is a collaboration between the SGAC National Point of Contacts from Nicaragua, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, and Barbados: Through this competition the Decode team expect to create capacity building for the youth in these countries as there are not many opportunities to work on space projects.

The winning team will have the opportunity to be mentored by experts in the field, continue improving their mission and the support to submit their mission design in other competitions such as the KibuCube to have the opportunity to deploy from the ISS Kibo, their CubeSats which they would develop and manufacture.

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