SpaceGen United
July 18, 2020 @ 1:00 PM - July 26, 2020 @ 5:00 PM CEST
What’s SpaceGen United?
For the past 20 years, SGAC has been representing students and young professionals from around the world, all passionate about space. Now more than ever we want to keep our community connected through our new initiative SpaceGen United – SGAC’s very first online Congress! It will be a gathering of more than 150 participants, experts from across the space industry as well as SGAC Alumni, all during the course of a week. As a unique and dynamic experience, SpaceGen United will include workshops, podcasts, virtual coffee hours, a trivia night and many other online gatherings and challenges for you to take part in. There will be #AskMeAnything sessions with SGAC Alumni and much, much more to look forward to!
Who should attend the SpaceGen United
We invite students and young professionals between the age of 18 to 35 (as of July 18, 2020) who are nationals of United Nations member states and are passionate about the space industry to apply to be part of the delegation. Past delegates have attended from around the world and from a wide variety of disciplines.
Sponsor or Partner with the SpaceGen United
Would you like to become official sponsors or partners of the SpaceGen United? You will be part of SGAC’s very first Congress online enabling students and young professionals all over the world to gather and discuss key space topics!