New Team Members

For New Team Member to set up

How do I create a News article to be published on our website?

We have created a template to facilitate creation of news articles that are published on our website. Please open the document through the button below. You need to log in to your Google account to access. News Article Template   Once the document is open, save your own copy by going to File > "Make a Copy..." Name [...]

2018-01-29T17:43:40+01:00January 29th, 2018|

Does SGAC have a business card, and how can I get it?

Yes, all active appointed team members of SGAC can request a business card. As SGAC went through great efforts to redefine its logo, we have also decided that all SGAC business cards should be the same design. Therefore an official business card design has been developed by the organisation. Any SGAC member requiring a business card need to submit a [...]

2018-01-26T03:47:27+01:00January 26th, 2018|
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