In August 2024, the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) conducted elections to select new National Points of Contact (NPoC) for the June- July 2024 vacancies.

Detailed election results and the profile of the applicants follow.

Election Procedure

In accordance with Bylaw 5.2.1, Elections of National Points of Contact are conducted through an internal vote within the SGAC Executive Committee, following the election guidelines laid down in Appendix B to the SGAC Bylaws. Under Bylaw 6.3.2, the voting pool within the Executive Committee is constituted by the SGAC Regional Coordinators as elected Members.

Regional Coordinators Voting Participation:

At the time of the voting, as of August 2024, SGAC had 11 serving Regional Coordinators. Out of these 11 Regional Coordinators, 9 participated in the voting process. 

Total Applications Received: 64

The next pages provide information on the available vacancies and election results.

See the report below