As you may be aware, the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 25 May 2018. This law will offer greater protections for your personal data.
At SGAC, the protection of our member’s and contact’s personal data is a priority for us and we welcome the introduction of this law.
Over the last few months, our team had worked hard to ensure our organisation complies with the GDPR. As a result, you will notice a few changes throughout SGAC.
Our Privacy Policy has been updated and describes how we process your personal data in clear and simple language. Our Terms and Conditions have also been updated to reflect these changes. These changes came into effect automatically for all SGAC members on 25 May 2018.
You may also have received an email from us regarding your subscription to various SGAC Google Groups and mailing lists, such as SGAC-Talk and country mailing lists. Please respond to that email or you can update your subscription preference here.
Please take one minute to update your subscription preferences, because if you take no action, you will no longer receive any more communication from us. Please update here.
If you have any questions in regards to your data privacy, please contact [email protected]
Thank for you being part of SGAC.