SGAC Benin

National Points of Contact Benin

Welcome to the SGAC Benin’s country page!

Benin is a welcoming, happiness and lovely country located in west Africa, close to Nigeria. 

Beninese are relentless workers and improve their lifestyle through different mechanics at national level (Politic, Laws, Fair, justice, ); educational level; sustainable entrepreneurial and investment environment thanks to innovation, engagement, ambitious technologies. 

There are two clubs of Astronomy in Benin which are Sirius Astro-Club Benin and Orion Club with active members. As a space start-up, CosmoLAb Hub which is leading Space Science (Projects in Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Earth Observation,) also have Space Education(Strategies, programs & initiative) projects that are relentlessly working towards.

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Young Space Activities Overview in Benin

September, 11 2021; We organized an event called  “Astronomy Day and Discoveries in Benin”, gathered 50 kids and young up to 5 to 20 years olds; and outreach 250 people directly, firstly organized in Benin. We discuss the structure of Earth and Mars and the climate change effects predictions on both planets; and which is best for humans to live on; under the theme “Planet of Children: Earth OR Mars, which destination to choose?  

May 22, 2021 in Benin; the IFEDOLA NGO (Women Lead Network) and CosmoLAb Hub in partnership with SGAC Benin held a Webinaire, gathered young professionals and students to showcase SGAC groups activities, linked to jobs carrier existed Astronomy and Space industries  and the utilization of Space technologies for the benedict of mankind. It was an opportunity to showcase galaxies, solar systems thanks to a constellation we made.  

SGAC now has new members in Benin, more reached through social medias, paper news.

The NPoC attended Space Generation Congress(SGC) 2021 at Dubai and have been approved as a member at Entrepreneurship and Investment Committee of International Astronautical Federation(IAF) at its General Assembly.

Upcoming Events

Events Name

Event Host City

Event Date

SGAC link

1) Space realities, challenges and future prospects(Space Business and Entrepreneurship) 

2) Space Careers for youth in a developing country, especially french countries in Africa 

3) Space law & Policy

4) Space-based Earth Observation on climate change

5) Space-based observation on hydrocarbon  & CO2 exploration

6) Improved Agriculture production base on Space Tech

7) SPACE Roadshow across Benin






Rural areas (North and West in Benin)

TBD (2022)

Coming Up