SGAC Namibia
National Points of Contact
Namibia is one of the few countries with a vast open landscapes, clear skies and very low minimum light pollution. It is behind reason that the country is ideal for space science and astronomical application set up to study the Universe. Even if there were few space activities that have been taking place in Namibia in the 1950-1990, today space science applications and activities is growing to an extend that will put the country on the map. Namibia is currently taking place in the Square Kilometre Array project, one of the largest multi telescope project which is expected to commission its very first observation in 2020.
Regardless of few experienced people in the country, a few activities have been going on to sharpen the minds of young generations and equipping them in any way to boost the country’s science and technology participation. In conjunction with different scientist, institutions and countries, Namibia became a home for High Energy Spectroscopic System (HESS) observatory which is a system of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes that investigates cosmic gamma rays in the energy range from 10s of GeV to 10s of TeV.
Young Space Activities Overview in the Namibia
We are expected to have four stations of up to 64 dishes each to come to Namibia in SKA context. Since 2000 we also have International Amateur Observatory located in the south of the country which is a Celestron 14 telescope on a heavy Liebscher mount (350 kg) as well as some smaller telescopes and are already in operation and ready for use.
In collaboration with University of Namibia, South Africa and scientific bodies in the country, Namibia hosted its first Joint Exchange Development (NAMJEDI) on space science and astronomy in 2014 that aimed at ensuring participation and growth for Namibia’s future scientists. With this, we wish to do more of this in the country to basically broaden the field as it appears to be solely recognised in the country.
Namibia – First space science workshop participants-2014
Interesting Web Links for the Young Generation in the Namibia
High Energy Spectroscopic System
National Commission on Research Science and Technology