SGAC Belarus

National Points of Contact Belarus

Welcome to the page of SGAC Belarus! Belarus has a long-standing history of participation in space-related programs and activities. The new State Program on Priority Areas of Scientific, Technical, and Innovative activities for 2021–2025 provides a development plan for aerospace and geo-information technologies. In 2020, Belarus hosted the 1st meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States Space Council. For New Space, we organised an international conference on space business “New Space Days” (2019). The informal Belarusian S&T community BySpace is active online and offline in organising webinars, trips, and enthusiasts’ meet-ups.

Young Space Activities Overview in Belarus

  • Three editions of Space Law School organised by NPoCs of Belarus together with the Belarusian Space University
  • Annual informal gathering of BySpace community with SGAC presentation
  • Webinar with Lunar Zebro Project “New Space for students: We are going to the Moon”
  • Student trip to TU Delft
  • World Space Week celebration: Visit of the ground-station complex of the communication satellite Belintersat-1
  • Launch of the first student satellite CubeBel-1

Country-Specific Events in 2023

Coming soon!

Interesting Web Links

Groups & Entities