SGAC Greece

Herein you will find information about the activities of the SGAC in the Greece as well as other news, opportunities or happenings related to the space sector. Space is an interdisciplinary field where people with diverse skill sets fit in. Greece, with its rich tradition and modern efforts, is no exception to that rule. Whatever your own background, culture, age or specific interests may be, we invite you to discover how you can get more involved in this pioneering domain that ranges from satellites to astronauts and from space law to aeronautics, science and education!

Interested in a career in space? Organizing an outreach event in Greece? Looking for a scholarship to attend a space course? How could SGAC help? Don’t hesitate to contact the Greek NPoCs – we’ll be happy to assist in any way we can!

National Points of Contact Greece

Young Space Activities Overview in Greece

Greece realizes its endeavours in space primarily through its European Space Agency (ESA) membership, dating from 2005. The country’s space sector is relatively new, yet rapidly developing. At a national level, the Greek Secretariat for Telecommunications and Posts (GSTP) represents Greece at ESA while the creation of a Greek Space Agency is underway.

Other public institutions, such as the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) help coordinate Greece’s space research efforts too. The newly-formed, industry-led si-Cluster heads the country’s advancement in space technologies, bringing together several industrial enterprises as well as university labs. Greek academics residing within the country or working abroad contribute frequently and substantially to international space research and applications on a variety of disciplines.

Greek universities take part in many ESA projects, for example the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is involved in ESA’s “AIM” mission. Space science communication and dissemination is carried out by keen educators and volunteers who seek to motivate the younger generation to be part of the space sector and convince their contemporaries why it is important to invest in the long-term vision of space exploration and technology.

Greek citizens are entitled to participate in research initiatives of or seek employment by ESA, Eumetsat and other international institutions that the country is part of. On top of this, Greece has developed bilateral relations with states pursuing national space programmes, resulting in collaborative endeavours such as “Helios II” (with France, Belgium and Spain). Similar agreements have been made at an industry level (closer cooperation with Israeli and French counterparts).

Together with an enthusiastic team of volunteers, the Greek SGAC NPoCs organised in 2017 a 2-day event called SG[Greece]. Day one was dominated by a public outreach event featuring presentations by Professor Tom Krimigis of the Academy of Athens, European Astronaut Luca Parmitano and ESA ExoMars engineer Pantelis Poulakis. The second day was dedicated to students and young professionals interested in becoming involved in space and producing ideas concerning the Greek space sector and its future under the guidance of experts.

Country-Specific Events in 2023

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