SGAC Russia
Russia has a great history of space exploration, having launched the first satellite and the first man in space. Its contribution to the space sector development is enormous and still continues to grow. Despite having gone through many changes and obstacles in recent decades, Russia still occupies a leading position in the space sector. Space achievements give inspiration and hope for people all over the country. SGAC Russia is here to make it easier for the Russian university students and young professionals to build a stronger network, enhance their voice in space policy, and develop their leadership skills!
The interest of youth to space industry is rapidly growing. It is also important to mention the fact, that Russian Space Agency and Ministry of Youth Policy continues some space outreach projects and organizes programs for young people.
Currently there are no appointed NPoCs, but for more information please contact the Regional Coordinators for Europe.
Young Space Activities Overview in Russia
Past year for Russian Space was exciting and full of interesting activities. Lots of scientific events such as conferences, forums and space meetings were organized in Russia this year. Young professionals and students were involved in many projects at schools and universities. They had exciting opportunities to challenge themselves by participating in different space related contests.
As usual lots of satellites conferences and schools programs were conducted during the year. A project called “Space lessons” – a special course of lectures giving from ISS for children – was launched.
Aside from these academic and professional activities, there are various astronomical clubs spread all over the country where young enthusiasts can share their passion and interests. SGAC hopes to link you to them and them to you!
SpaceUp Skoltech: The first SpaceUp in Russia was organized at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology on April 22, 2017 to mark the month of Human Spaceflight. The event attracted space enthusiasts from various space backgrounds who actively networked and exchanged ideas with each other. A plenary discussion on “Future of Human Spaceflight post ISS” was held that focused on different aspects such as humanistic factors, technology and policies, including present development and future projects.
Country-Specific Events in 2023
Coming soon!
Interesting Web Links
Groups, people
- The Youth Space Center
- Moscow Astronomy Club
- Tomsk Astronomy Club
- Kazansk astronomy Club
- Astronomy Forum
- Free Space Simulator (made in St-Petersburg)
- Club of Space Amateurs “Space Crew”, Moscow
- Club of Young Cosmonauts in the name of Gherman Titov, St-Petersburg
- Evening Astronomy School, Moscow
- Your Sector of Space
Organizations, Institutions
- Russian space agency Roscosmos
- Mission Control Centre
- Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre
- Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation
- Samara Space Research Centre «Progress»
- Khrunichev Space Center
- Lin Industrial
- NPO Lavochkin
- Central Research Institute of Machine Building
- Space Research Institute
- Volga region space center (Russian Academy of science)
- Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring (NTs OMZ)
Useful links
- News about space (“Kosmolenta”)
- Space News Magazine (“Novosti kosmonavtiki”)
- Moscow Planetariums: and
- Irkutsk Planetarium
- Moscow Museum of space
- Mars-500 Project
- Radio Betelgeuse (space music)