SGAC Mexico

National Points of Contact Mexico

You are now on the SGAC Mexico page! We welcome everyone and anyone who is interested in Space. No matter what your diplomas, origin, preferences, age, gender or beliefs are, we all have one thing in common: we are passionate about Space.
Here in SGAC Mexico, we believe in education as a tool for change and we work towards Space democratization, we want to make Space education available to everyone.

We believe in the power of community so we encourage everyone who wishes to collaborate in our activities or has any innovative ideas for events and opportunities to contact us. The more the merrier. Again, everyone is welcome.

With the election of the two national points of contact points in 2016 the international approach of SGAC Mexico was consolidated. They primarily have two duties – One is to approach the Mexican youth within the country and the other to approach the youth abroad and liaise with the scientists and technologists of Mexican and Latinoamerican origin that are living abroad. This international approach has been done already by past NPoCs but it is now officially part of our working plan. Thanks to this strategy several ties have been created which strengthen international collaboration between research institutions, universities, companies and space agencies. We at SGAC Mexico consider that this strategy will continue to produce fruitful developments in the future and collaborations of great impact for all the world. Are you willing to help in this odyssey? Nonetheless, we also promise that it will be fun, entertaining, educative and exciting! Join us in this adventure!

Young Space Activities in Mexico

In Mexico, the interest for space has a long history, from the Teotihuacan civilization to the Mayan, to the Aztecs and Teotihuacan cultures till our days. Many of the main characters have been curious and adventurous young people. Through the projects that we are developing on our national universities and the independent clubs and societies, we are getting pretty unstoppable. We have realized that space science and engineering can be a big motivation in the eternal human quest to find our place in the universe. Mexico engages to provide its contribution for this our planet Earth, our spaceship in the vast universe. 2016 was breakthrough in the history of space for Mexico. Several world class space events took place in the country, and all of them involved the young people. Many of these events took place thanks to the efforts done by the Mexican Space Agency (AEM) to strengthen the collaboration between agencies, educational institutions and all the actors of the space community in Mexico and abroad. Of course, the most important happenings were the Space Generation Congress and the International Astronautical Congress which for the first time came to Latinoamerica and was hosted by Guadalajara city, the Silicon Valley of Mexico, also known as Tequila valley for being one of the biggest technology hubs of the country. Several courses, trainings and exchanges were developed thanks to the collaboration agreements done by AEM and this work continues over 2017 and further. The astronauts Jose Hernandez and Rodolfo Neri Vela are planning several activities this year. A Local Organisation Team  was created to support the planning and preparation of the SGC. Since then this group has united more and more, strengthening the ties of SGAC Mexico. Good News: Meeting points happen regularly every friday once a month in Mexico City. This meetings are the open for plans to revolutionize the future of space. Check out our activities and if you want to participate or want to start SGAC related meetings in your city, do not hesitate to contact us.

Country-specific events in 2017

  • ISU – A Group of Mexican talents take part of the courses and research focused program at the Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program in Australia
  • MDRS280 – Mexican collaboration for the first latinoamerican mission in the Mars Analog Mission from NASA at Arizona.
  • PMAS 2017 – A Group of Mexican researchers developing a rover for the MArs Analog Misison to take place in Poland.
  • Yuri’s Night – Several activities to happen in collaboration with AEM everywhere in MExico
  • World Space Week – Several activities to happen in collaboration with AEM everywhere in MExico
  • INAOE Seminars: You can attend some of the scientific conferences that INAOE is offering during the entire year.
  • Aero Expo : Aero Expo: Event focused in Aeronautics and the capacitation of personal in aeronautics. Frequency: Yearly
  • FEMIAFeria Aeroespacial México, Congress planned to boost the development of the space sector in Mexico. Frequency: Yearly
  • Space Boot Camp: Three days Space Camp organized by the Mexican Space Agency in different parts of the country.
  • AEM Specific Contests: List of events and contests organized by the Mexican Space Agency

Mexican Talent in Space

Astronaut Dr. Rodolfo Neri Vela

Astronaut Dr. Rodolfo Neri Vela

Interesting Web Links for the Young Generation in Mexico

Groups, People, Institutions

Education Institutions Offering Space Programs in Mexico

Please click here for an interactive map! Aeronautics: Queretaro Aeronautics University Brand new University that main focus is to form Mexican aerospace professionals with World-class capabilities to foster the national aerospace industry National Polytechnic Institute – Aeronautics Engineering Its objective is to form engineers with the fundamental knowledge in the diverse disciplines of aeronautics Universidad de Nuevo León Aeronautics Engineering located in Northern Mexico

 AEM related websites: Educacion Espacial – Website dedícated to Space Programs supported by the AEM. Espacio de los Niños – Mexican Space Agency Website dedicated to educational activities for kids. Hacia el Espacio/ AEM’s space science and technology digital magazine

