SGAC Panama

National Points of Contact Panama

Welcome to Panama SGAC page! 

The purpose of this page is to link the new Panamanian leaders of the Space sector. 

We strongly believe that connecting students and young professionals will result in a prosperous tomorrow for our country, the Latin America region and worldwide. If you are passionate about Space, science, engineering, art and any other subject, feel free to join us! We will be happy to hear your ideas and count with your support to keep growing the interest in Space in Panama.

The next greatest challenge for the human race is in the space exploration, and you can start right here!

Young Space Activities Overview 

In Panama, the interest in Space is constantly growing, and SGAC is playing an important role in this development.

Amateur associations such as the Panamanian Association of Amateur Astronomers (APAA) constantly promotes events related to Astronomy in all the country. 

Public institutions such as the National Secretary of Science and Technology (SENACYT) organizes the Panamanian Olympics of Space Sciences (OliPaCE) and the National Congress of Space Science annually.

Universities such as Universidad de Panamá (UP), Universidad Latina de Panamá, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Universidad Especializada de las Américas and Universidad  Católica Santa María La Antigua, along with IEEE Panama section and Space Space Generation Advisory Council, organize the NASA SpaceApps Challenge every year.

The Astronomical Observatory of Panama organizes the AstroCamping every summer, which is a family-type event to promote Astronomy among young kids

SGAC has been very active in the last years, promoting initiatives such as:

  • Open Course Introduction to Space Engineering in collaboration with other countries in Central America, in which students from Panama, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Costa Rica have learned the basic concepts of Space Exploration, Rockets, Satellite applications and the NewSpace industry. The instructors are SGAC members with experience in Engineering and Teaching at University level.
  • Space Mission design workshops with the software beeApp from Open-Cosmos, to train students and young professionals about Space mission architecture, small-satellites and System Engineering.
  • The “Speaker of the Month Series”, with Panamanian Subject Matter Experts that are contributing to the Space Industry from the private sector, and from the Academia.
  • Participation in International Competitions such as the CubeDesign organized by the National Institute for Aerospace Research of Brazil (INPE) in which the team PANASAT-1 formed by members of SGAC, designed and simulated several susystems of a Cubesat mission. It is expected that this team continue the developing of the PANASAT-1 CubeSat mission, and launch the satellite into orbit in a couple of years.
  • Participation in International Congresses and Symposiums organized by SGAC, the Central American Association for Space and Aeronautics (ACAE), among others.

For more information, please check out our link section below!

Interesting Web Links for the Young Generation 

Educational/Public institutions:

Private institutions:

Stay in touch with us

We love Space!

By becoming a member of SGAC, young Panamanian students and professionals will be able to contribute to the development of the Space industry in Panama, and at the same time, have access to a network of more than 13,000 members in more than 150 countries, and participate in event such as Workshops, Congresses, mentorship, scholarships, dedicated working groups and a variety of space Activities that will make their passion for Space to grow even higher.