Welcome to SGAC Brazil

The Brazilian space program dates back to 1960 when the government first developed a program for the Brazilian space exploration. The years that follow the two main institutes for space research, the National Institute of Space Research (INPE), created in 1971, and the The Aerospace Technology and Science Department (DCTA), established in 1953, carried out a series of space projects with a view to develop a national space capability. Nowadays, Brazil has two launch sites Alcântara Launch Center and Barreira do Inferno Launch Center, makes, assembles and tests sounding rockets, satellites and rocket engines. Also, Brazil is currently developing a launch vehicle nationally and a second launcher family in collaboration with the Russian Federal Space Agency. So far Brazil had one astronaut Marcos Pontes who flew with the Expedition 13 crew on March 29, 2006 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan to the International Space Station.

Every day students find new opportunities in the Brazilian space area, as there is a growing number of universities offering graduation and post-graduation courses in space technology areas, the demand for students and researchers is increasing. The Brazilian Space agency also has programs to integrate the students and the agency offering materials, financing projects and training teachers.

Young Space Activities Overview in Brazil

Mainly the space activities in Brazil are related with the universities and the research institutes. In the past years the space agency took some steps in order to integrate the research institutes and promote the space program to the new generation. The two programs that were developed are the AEB School and the Uniespaço program.

AEB School

The Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) created in 2003, the AEB School Programme. For elementary and high schools all over the country, the programme formulate activities on five themes to advertise the space activities in Brazil:

  • Satellites and space platforms
  • Spacecraft
  • Astronomy
  • Remote Sensing
  • Meteorology and Environmental Sciences

To assist teachers in developing methodologies for inclusion of these themes in the classroom, the programme offers courses, lectures and workshops.

Uniespaço Program

The Uniespaço programme was created by the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) in 1997, with the view to integrate the university sector to the National Programme of Space Activities (PNAE) in order to meet the technological demand of the industry, in the product development and processes, research and analysis. The idea is to form a solid base of research and developments compose by specialized cores capable of executing projects in the space area.

The Brazilian SGAC has the objective to integrate the universities and research institutes in order to promote activities, integrating and strengthen more the relations between the young researchers.

Country-Specific Events in 2018

United Nations/Brazil Symposium on Basic Space Technology “Creating Novel Opportunities with Small Satellite Space Missions” natal, Brazil 11- 14 September 2018

“I Congresso Aeroespacial Brasileiro (I CAB)” 01 – 03 November

Country-Specific Events in 2019

XIX SBSR – Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoramento Remoto – 14 – 17 Abril

Interesting web links for the young generation in Brazil

Groups, Institutions

 Aerospace Industries Association of Brazil

Brazilian Aerospace Association

Brazilian Association of Aeronautical and Space Law

Brazilian Space Agency

Brazilian Space Program

Institute of Aeronautics and Space

National Institute of Space Research

Brazilian proposed space missions

ASTER mission to a triple asteroid system

GALATEA Lunar MIssion

Colleges on Space Sciences and Technology

Aeronautical Institute of Technology

Federal University of ABC

Federal University of Minas Gerais(UFMG)

Federal University of RIo de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM)

Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Science

Institute of Aeronautics and Space

National Observatory (ON)

National Institute for Space Research(INPE)

Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA)

São Paulo State University (UNESP)

University of São Paulo (USP)

University of Brasilia (UNB)

Events and continuing education

INPE Winter School on Astronomy and Astrophysics

INPE Remote Sensing in School

INPE Winter School on Space Technologies

UNESP Summer School on Orbital Dynamics and Planetology

USP Continuing College Education on “Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics

Basic Course in Aeronautical and Space Law

Scientific and Industry Websites

Aerospace Industries Association of Brazil

Brazilian Aerospace Simposium organized by Brazilian Aerospace Association

Brazilian Colloquium on Orbital Dynamics

National Institute of Space Research


Brazil Meteor Observation Network

Brazilian astronomy and astronautics Olympics

News on Brazilian space sector

Brazilian Space Blog