Results of Regional Coordinator Election in the African Region

SGAC held elections in January/February 2024 to elect the next Regional Coordinator (RC) in the African Region. We are happy to announce that Thandokuhle Mandla Kasibante David (Uganda) has been elected as the Regional Coordinator for Africa.

Detailed election results and the profile of the applicants follows. 

Election Report

The election received two applications for one regional coordinator position.

19 NPoCs out of 53 took part in the election, with the following result:

  • Thandokuhle Mandla Kasibante David (Uganda)  – 53%
  • Tafadzwa Banga (Zimbabwe) – 42%.
  • Abstained – 5%


About Kasibante David

Kasibante David Muyinza is a lawyer based in Uganda, a space policy analyst and enthusiast, a lover of all things computer, and an aspiring space-preneur. An avid mentor, Kasibante leads a group of space enthusiasts and young professionals under his initiative, Space4Tomorrow, with the zeal for realising the space potential of the country and region, for the peaceful and equitable use of space resources. His areas of specialisation are International Law and Diplomacy, Space Law,  Cyber Law and Intellectual Property. He has worked with the Ugandan government and other stakeholders to realise the full potential of youth in space sciences, law and policy, through research and development in the space sector. He also represents Uganda at the United Nations Space Generation Advisory Council and the Moon Village Association.

He has researched and written widely on various aspects of the merger between space policy, peace and development. He has also delivered public lectures on various aspects of the peaceful uses of outer space and the use of space resources and technology for the promotion of peace at symposia in Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa and the United States, including at the World Bank, the UN Headquarters in New York and at Columbia University in New York. Kasibante looks up at the skies above in his free time and sees hope and no borders. And he hopes everyone gets to see that.

This is what David had to say about his election

 “I am deeply honoured by the confidence that my colleagues have vested in me, and quite frankly, scared too. I will do my best to deliver to the best of my abilities.”