Our website design is constructed using the Avada Theme Platform. For information about the different graphics elements, you can have a look here under the Elements menu.
Some SGAC Team Members with web editing rights have access to the Ninja Form plugin if their role involves creation and management of forms.
Ninja Forms are used in many aspects of data collection in SGAC including but not limited to the following:
- Event application
- Delegate registration
- Vacancy application
- Scholarship application
- Award nomination
- Member requests
Forms are routinely used to collect data with personal identifying and sensitive information. Collection, use and management of data are strictly governed by our Privacy Policy. Data collected from members should be strictly used only for the purposes that it was collected for. SGAC takes data security and data use very seriously. All SGAC Team Members who handle personal identifiable data must be familiar with the Privacy Policy.
This guide has been created to help you ensure your forms are created to a professional standards that adhere to our Privacy Policy. Please read through this carefully. Contact [email protected] if you need any help.
You can find additional resources at the Ninja Form Documentation Site.
Getting Started
SGAC Web Team has created a number of templates to make the process of form creation easier. This will incorporate certain elements that should be standard on all our forms. Please use the following table to identify which template you should start with. You can filter for all of them by typing TEMPLATE in the search field.
If you are creating a… | Use… | Ninja Form ID |
Application form for an event | TEMPLATE – SGAC Event Registration | 2 |
Please ensure you duplicate the template before you edit the form. Otherwise, you will corrupt the template for everyone. If you accidentally do this, please contact [email protected] as we keep backups.
Editing your Form
All template include pre-built element that we ask you not to edit, because they help us ensure the data collection process meet regulation. Please DO NOT edit the following:
- All hidden fields, such as the “Member ID” and “Account Email”
- Privacy information, consent box and submit button
The template contains almost all of the elements that we usually need for that particular form. You may choose to add additional fields to collect data unique to your needs. At a minimum however, you will have to edit certain elements to ensure the forms are properly customised to your needs. A checklist of what you must edit is provided here:
- Form Fields > Event Intro Description
- Advanced > Display Settings > Form Title (This is the title of your form)
Team Member Web Editing (“Backend Access”) is a feature of the website that is designed to allow non-Web Team SGAC Team Members the ability to edit certain sections of the website.
The benefits of this system are:
- Empowers Team Members to take ownership of sections of our large website
- Shortens the Time-to-Publish timeframe for web content from creation of content to publishing online
- Creates more responsive and up-to-date content on website
- Frees up more time for Web Editors to do maintenance and development
There are two levels of access:
- Basic Web Editing – ability to create or modify certain pages and then send the completed changes for review. This is available for most SGAC Team Members.
- Advanced Web Editing – basic web editing rights plus the ability to review and publish pages. This is available for selected SGAC Team Members only.
To gain access rights, you will have to:
- Have a complete SGAC Staff Profile on our website
- Undergo a 30 – 60 minute training session with our Web Team
If you are interested, please contact our Web&Data Team: [email protected]
You can click: https://spacegeneration.org/wp-admin/
We have created a template to facilitate creation of news articles that are published on our website.
Please open the document through the button below. You need to log in to your @spacegeneration.org Google account to access.
Once the document is open, save your own copy by going to File > “Make a Copy…” Name your file appropriately.
Fill in the information. Please ensure you provide images as a file or a link to a shared folder for us to upload. Email the link of your document to your coordinator for approval with [email protected] CCed in the email.
Please allow up to 7 days for an article to be published on the website.
You can link your @spacegeneration.org account to your SGAC Web Account later on by going into “Your Account” > “Social Connect” and “Connect to Google+” and then signing into your @spacegeneration.org account there. After that, you can log into your SGAC Web Account by simply clicking the red “Sign in with Google+” button. If you have already log in to your @spacegeneration.org Gmail, you will be taken directly through login without needing to enter your details again.
You can read more about how this work here.
Due to GDPR, we have been revamping how mailing lists for NPoCs work. They are now managed through MailChimp to ensure we can track user consent and allow users to unsubscribe properly. Please do not create your own list without talking with the Web Team and Data Management Team.
We are creating a new training program for RCs to manage the emails for NPoCs. Please check back soon for more direction on contacting your country’s mailing list.
The NPoC cannot create a National Twitter page, however he/she can use the Regional Facebook page, and contact the RCs of the region to post any updates on there.
A Country Newsletter is available via Mailchimp, the NPoC can coordinate with the Regional Coordinator to publish the newsletter.
The NPoC cannot create a National Facebook page, however he/she can use the Regional Facebook page, and contact the RCs of the region to post any updates on there.
A Country Newsletter is available via Mailchimp, the NPoC can coordinate with the Regional Coordinator to publish the newsletter.
Yes. The NPoC has the right to attend the General Assembly, usually celebrated once a year in December. The NPoCs can submit their proposed changes to the Statutes and Bylaws of the organisation to the SGAC Chair anytime during the year. The changes will be proposed to the rest of the organisation during the General Assembly and voted on.
Yes. The NPoC should submit an annual report with the summary of the activities performed throughout the year, as well as with some objectives for the upcoming year. The report should not be longer than 2 pages, and it should contain pictures if possible. More information is available in the NPoC Welcome Pack.
Note: Not submitting your report on time might lead to your dismissal.
For any edits to your webpage, simply send your changes via email to our web editors. You may do so at any time something new comes up, but you are requested to do it at least twice a year. You can contact our web editors here.
Yes, all active appointed team members of SGAC can request a business card.
As SGAC went through great efforts to redefine its logo, we have also decided that all SGAC business cards should be the same design. Therefore an official business card design has been developed by the organisation.
Any SGAC member requiring a business card need to submit a request through the following form on our website:
A confirmation e-mail will be sent upon receipt of such request. The requests are processed based on the information available on our records at the end of each week and a high resolution PDF of the business cards is sent to the person requesting the business card. SGAC does not provide financial support for the printing of the business cards.
All business cards will include the SGAC Vienna office address and SGAC e-mail of the member by default. If you like to use your personal details on the card, we recommend printing a double sided card with one side outlining your personal information.
If you have not received your business card two weeks after your request, or you need it urgently, please contact the SGAC Executive Secretaries at [email protected].