WG1: Sustainability through Space
The Asia-Pacific Plan of Action on Space Applications for Sustainable Development (2018-2030), signed by countries in the region, underscores the importance of leveraging space technology and applications for sustainable development on Earth. By merging discussions on sustainability in space with this plan of action, stakeholders can explore synergies between space activities and sustainable development goals. This integration allows for the development of strategies that not only advance space exploration and utilisation but also contribute positively to socioeconomic and environmental sustainability on Earth. As humanity increasingly ventures into space, it becomes imperative to address sustainability concerns to preserve the space environment for future generations. Key topics for discussion include space debris mitigation, resource utilisation, energy efficiency, and international cooperation in space activities for sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region.
- How can the growing issue of space debris be effectively mitigated to ensure the long-term sustainability of space activities?
- What strategies can be implemented to promote responsible resource utilisation and management in space exploration endeavours, considering the unique challenges and opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region?
- How can international collaboration and partnerships be strengthened to enhance sustainability efforts in space exploration and utilisation, particularly in the context of the Asia-Pacific region?
- In what ways can space-based technologies and applications contribute to addressing environmental and socioeconomic challenges on Earth, aligning with the goals outlined in the Asia-Pacific Plan of Action on Space Applications for Sustainable Development?
WG2: Space Exploration
The Asia-Pacific region is witnessing a dynamic shift, with several countries emerging as major players in the global space exploration arena. With the rapid development of cutting-edge technology in the space sector, space exploration is becoming increasingly accessible. The Space Exploration Working Group aims to explore the current landscape and future possibilities of space exploration. Discussions will focus on regional collaboration, technological advancements in areas like small satellites and in-situ resource utilization, and the ethical considerations of space exploration.
- What are some of the unique challenges in space exploration faced by countries in the Asia-Pacific region?
- How can Asia-Pacific nations leverage space endeavours to create economic opportunities, for example, satellite development or debris management?
- What are some of the unique ways Asia-Pacific nations contribute to space exploration?
- What are some ways to bridge the gap between the public and private sectors within the Asia-Pacific space industry?
- How can we raise awareness of the importance of space exploration for the general public and inspire younger generations to pursue a career in space?
WG3: Diversity in Space
The diversity of the space sector within the Asia-Pacific region encapsulates a multifaceted landscape shaped by unique cultural, socio-economic, and geopolitical dynamics. This working group aims to foster inclusivity and representation across various demographics, including gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background, and geographical location, within the Asia-Pacific space industry. It explores how diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts intersect with regional challenges and opportunities, driving innovation, collaboration, and sustainable development in space exploration and technology advancement.
- What are the primary obstacles faced by underrepresented communities, including indigenous peoples and rural populations, in accessing space-related opportunities and resources in the Asia-Pacific region, and how can these barriers be mitigated?
- How can the Asia-Pacific space sector implement targeted recruitment and retention strategies to increase the representation of women and minorities in technical and leadership positions, ensuring a diverse workforce that reflects the region’s demographics?
- Can public-private partnerships advance diversity in the Asia-Pacific space sector?
- How can the Asia-Pacific space sector leverage cultural diversity as a driving force for innovation, ensuring that varied perspectives enrich every aspect of space exploration and technology advancement?