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Last summer 30 individuals from 16 countries worked together investigating how space technologies and applications can impact urban planning to achieve more sustainable and resilient cities on Earth.

In this webinar, we are going to present the results of the project developed during the Space Studies Program in Strasbourg. You will also be able to ask any questions about the Program and the International Space University!

Join us together with our speakers:

  • Dr Graziella Caprarelli
  • Dr Simone Paternostro
  • Aleksandra Kozawska
  • Léo Baud


  • Mirta Medanić, E-SGW 2020 Organising Team Member



Dr. Graziella Caprarelli

Dr. Graziella Caprarelli is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and obtained her PhD in Earth Sciences from University ‘La Sapienza’, Rome, Italy. Currently she is the Director of Hypatia Scientifica, a private science consulting company based in Australia, that she founded in 2018. She has been a NASA Fellow at the Johnson Space Centre in Houston, and is currently a member of the MARSIS science team. She was the Co-Director of the 2017 Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program.

Dr. Simone Paternostro

Born in 1986 and originally from Italy, Dr. Paternostro holds a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering, a master’s degree in Space Engineering as well as a 2nd level master’s degree in Space Transportation Systems, and a PhD in Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy. Initially, he worked as an AOCS/GNC intern at EADS Astrium (now Airbus Group), followed by a research position at the Institute for Aerospace Technology, University of Nottingham, the UK. He is  currently employed as a Multi-Increment Payload Planner/Complement Requirements Manager in ESA’s Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) where he manages payloads on board of the ISS (International Space Station).

Aleksandra Kozawska

Aleksandra Kozawska is a strategic and service designer with experience using design tools and human-centred methods in projects within technological and social areas. Her design education includes University College London, Politecnico di Milano and Glasgow School of Art. Aleksandra has also worked at the European Astronaut Centre with the basic astronaut training. She is an alumni of the International Space University, Space Studies Program 2019 in Strasbourg.

Léo Baud Student at the University of Strasbourg, France, Léo is finishing a Bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences. In parallel, he developed a startup that designs devices to improve the quality of life of astronauts, in particular by using smells. Alumni of the International Space University, Space Studies Program 2019, he presented the team project: “Space for Urban Planning” to the 57th Scientific and Technical Sub-Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space at the United Nations in Vienna.



This webinar is part of the E-SGW Webinar Series + #SpaceHope

The European Space Generation Workshop (E-SGW) is a two day international event that aims to bring together students and young professionals to think and collectively create Europe’s future in space. The fifth edition of the European Space Generation Workshop will take place in Madrid on October 30th and 31st, 2020. Delegates will get the opportunity to share ideas on sustainable space applications, a topic the interest in which has substantially increased over the past few years.Learn more about the event here.

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