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ranted that you’re as passionate about space as we are here as SGAC, you probably know about the best part of the amazing achievements of space exploration. Gagarin’s first flight, the Apollo missions, the ISS or the JWST are all iconic landmarks of the fascinating conquest for outer space that were made possible by the famous, inspiring and more than often state-owned historic actors that we all know.

However, the space industry is evolving and that’s happening fast. New actors from the private sector are taking a position in what is now customary called “NewSpace”. Blue Origin, SpaceX and OneWeb promptly come to mind in this dynamic ecosystem, but there is also a whole lot of smaller businesses swiftly flourishing in Europe around rocket manufacturing, constellations and satellite design, and various other space-based services.

At the French chapter of SGAC, we are convinced that startups and SMEs have a key role in shaping the future of space exploration and exploitation. We hence decided to organize this year’s French Space Generation event around the following discussion:

What is the role of business in the future of the space sector and how can we foster space-related entrepreneurship ?


G[France] 2022 will take place in Strasbourg in the end of Spring 2022, if you are a student or young professional aged 18-35, do not miss this opportunity to meet and chat with renowned experts of the French and European space industry as well as with numerous young space enthusiasts !

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