2 events found.
[PG-SEPG] SEPG Webinar #4: Forward to the Moon – Lunar Analogue Missions
Facebook LivestreamIn the 4th episode of the SEPG webinar series on the future of space exploration, we will talk about the importance of designing and running appropriate analogue missions simulating in situ resources utilisation on the Lunar surface.
Benefit Sharing of Lunar Resource Activities for Africa: analysing the regional and international contexts
ZoomThe webinar will be part of the International Moon Day weekly events. A panel will be organized with representatives of the Moon Village Association (lead by Suyan Malhadas and Chris Bosquillon)and the SGAC Space Law and Policy Project Group “Commercialization of Space Resources in Africa” project (lead by Jéssyka Nunes and Nifemi Awe). Over one hour, four speakers will cover 4 presentations, with half an hour afterwards allocated to questions from participants.