SGAC Germany

National Points of Contact Germany

Welcome to the country page of SGAC in Germany! The main objective of our community is to connect, inform, and inspire the students and young professionals of Germany’s next generation space leaders.

Our country continues to shape European space activities with a strong national space programme and largest contributor to the European Space Agency. Within SGAC, Germany is strongly represented in the Project Groups, and local, regional, and even international events such as SGC and ESGW.

Please feel free to contact us, share your ideas, and engage with your local space community ([email protected]) !

Stay in touch with us

Young Space Activities Overview in Germany

In 2021, the first national SGAC event in Germany, the SG [Germany] took place. Originally scheduled for 2020, it had to be postponed due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, it still had to be conducted online. However, it was a great success. Find more information about the event here:

In 2023 the second edition of the SG[Germany] local event took place in person on 17th June at TU Berlin. For the event we gathered more than 60 participants. Find more information about the event here:

In 2024 the 8th European Space Generation Workshop will take place in May/June at the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich. Therefore, the next SG[Germany] is targeted for 2025.

On a more regular and local basis, SGAC is represented at several significant events and institutions, with formal connections to German industry, the public sector, as well as international actors such as the United Nations in Bonn. Furthermore, SGAC members organized informal gatherings in different cities to connect with other members and like-minded peers. These gatherings are usually organized in an informal way via messenger groups. To stay informed about the gatherings join the SGAC Germany WhatsApp Community or reach out to the NPoCs.

In 2023 we also started a round of company visits for SGAC members. The first successful one took place on 13th October where a group of around 50 people visited different facilities at the Campus of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne. A visit to the DLR campus in Oberpfaffenhofen takes place on 15th December. For 2024 we are targeting visits to facilities in Berlin, Bremen, Darmstadt and Lampoldshausen. If you want to support the organization of such visits or know of a facility that would be interesting to our members, please reach out to the NPoCs!

SG[Germany] 2023 Group photo (June 2023).

Group photo of the visit of DLR in Cologne (October 2023).

Country-Specific Events in 2024

  • 8th European Space Generation Workshop – Munich, 31 May – 1 June 2024 – more information to come soon!

Industry Events


Interesting Web Links

Groups, People

Institutions, Universities


Aerospace studies are possible in all of the above-listed universities