SGAC Italy
National Points of Contact Italy
Welcome to the country page of SGAC Italy! The main objective is to reach and connect students and young professionals in order to inspire Italy’s next space generation.
Italy had always an active role in space activities, now continued by the Italian Space Agency, universities and institutions, big and small companies, and the hearts of its people. Italy is the third contributor of the European Space Agency and hosts one of its facilities, ESRIN. Thanks to national and international contribution, exhibitions, conferences and the rise of the private sector the country is leaning more and more to the SGAC community.
Stay in touch with us
Young Space Activities Overview in Italy
The youth community is becoming increasingly active in promoting space activities and knowledge in the country. Skyward Experimental Rocketry, the European Association of Aerospace Students (EUROAVIA) and Sapienza Aerospace Students Association (SASA) are examples of this increasing involvement. SGAC Italy is trying to connect these different efforts in order to create a network and represent a more prominent voice when dealing with the institutions.
With this goal in mind, SGAC events organises events in Italy to cover several fields, like outreach, workshops, business competitions. Some examples are:
- Italian Space Startup Competition (2019 – Milan, 2020 – Turin/Online, 2021 – Milan, 2022 – Naples)
- NSE SpaceGen Track (Rome – 2019)
- SpaceUp Rome (2015) and SpaceUp Milan (2016)
- European Student Workshop (Padua – 2015)
Furthermore, gatherings for members of Italian SGAC community are organised on a periodic basis.
In 2023, Italy hosts the 7th Edition of the European Space Generation Workshop, in Bari.
Country-specific events in 2023
Events Name | Event Host City | Event Date | SGAC link |
Fifth Italian Space Startup Competition (ISSC5) | TBC | TBC | |
Interesting WebLinks
- Milan: Politecnico di Milano, Department of Aerospace Engineering
- Rome: Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Turin: Politecnico di Torino, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Bologna/Forlì: “Alma Mater Studiorum” Università di Bologna, Aerospace Engineering
- Bologna: “Alma Mater Studiorum” Università di Bologna, Astronomy
- Naples: Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale (DII), Sezione Aerospaziale
- Naples: Università degli Studi della Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
- Padova: Università di Padova, Department of Aerospace and Astronautical Engineering
- Università degli Studi di Padova: Department of Astronomy
- Pisa: Università di Pisa, Department of Aerospace Engineering
- Università del Salento (Lecce): Aerospace Engineering
- Università degli studi di Enna “Kore”: Aerospace Engineering
- Università di Milano Bicocca – Laurea Magistrale in Astrofisica e Fisica dello Spazio
Studies and Learning Initiatives
- Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
- Specializing Master in Space Exploration and Development Systems (Politecnico di Torino)
- International School of Space Science in L’Aquila
- International Space University, France
- Master in Space Policy and Institutions – Official website of the Master in Space Policy and Institutions of SIOI
- Master in Space Transportation Systems (Università La Sapienza)
- SpaceMaster – Joint European Master Degree Course in Space Science and Technology
Associations affiliated to SGAC
- Italian Space Agency
- Skyward Experimental Rocketry
- Sapienza Aerospace Student Association
- European Association of Aerospace Students
Other web links
- INAF – Italian National Astrophysical Institute
- CISAS “Center of Studies and Activities for Space”, Padova
- SpaceLand
- ISAA – Italian Space and Astronautics Association
- Italian Mars Society
- AESA Torino