What is Space Law?

Space Law is a field of law that concerns space-related activities. It operates on a national and international levels. 

The key body working on space law internationally is the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA). The Office was started in the 1950s to provide a platform to examine and regulate  exploration of the new realm – space. They advise the Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. 

The Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) is a UN Committee that meets annually to debate the legal aspects of space exploration. Every June, representatives of 95 Member States discuss the most pressing space-related issues in order to formulate new treaties and conventions, or adapt the existing frameworks. 


What is Model United Nations?

Model UN is a simulation of a UN event for educational purposes. 2nd Model UN COPUOS follows the scenario of a real UN COPUOS meeting – representatives of states with diverse interests meet for debates on the uses of space. 

The aim of the 2nd Model UN COPUOS is to draft a resolution on the Sustainability of the Outer Space. Space is a fast-developing area. Therefore, within the legal framework, it remains largely unregulated or the existing regulations no longer match the needs of space activities. The 2nd Model UN COPUOS will go ahead of the times and discuss the possible solutions to this issue.