SGAC Announces Malisetti Foundation Scholarship for SGFF 2020

One of the ways in which SGAC empowers its young professional and student members is by facilitating access to the world’s major space conferences. SGAC has partnered with the Malisetti Foundation to bring one delegate of Indian descent residing within the USA to attend the 9th Space Generation Fusion Forum (March 28 – 30) and potentially the 36th Space Symposium (March 30 – April 2) in Colorado Springs, USA.

The selection process was difficult to narrow down to only one candidate from a pool of talented applications.

The total value of the award is $1500, which can be put towards any of the following expenses:

Mehak Sarang

Mehak is currently a Staff Researcher at the MIT Media Lab’s Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) and Research Associate at the Harvard Business School (HBS). With SEI, her research spans lunar exploration, space governance, and developing shared architectures for CubeSat platforms. She also supports the lab’s mission towards democratizing access to space through work with the Climate CubeSat Co-build outreach program. At HBS, she works with Professor Matthew Weinzierl to develop case studies on companies and organizations in the space industry. After graduating from Wellesley College, she was chosen as a Knafel Traveling Research Fellow and studied the emerging space sector in ten countries around the world, and remains dedicated to ensuring that people on Earth can share in the benefits of the NewSpace revolution. With SGAC, she currently serves as the co-coordinator of the Strategic Partnerships Team.


“I’m extremely grateful to be awarded this opportunity to attend SGFF and Space Symposium. I’m looking forward to gathering with the delegates at this unique forum to continue learning from and supporting SGAC.”