[SGFF 2025] SEDS USA Scholarship
SGAC has partnered with SEDS USA to bring 1 student or staff to attend the Space Generation Fusion Forum 2025 and the first day of the 40th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, USA.
SGAC has partnered with SEDS USA to bring 1 student or staff to attend the Space Generation Fusion Forum 2025 and the first day of the 40th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, USA.
SGAC is looking for volunteers to support the organisation of the Space Generation Fusion Forum (SGFF) 2025, to be held April 4-7, 2025 in Colorado Springs, USA. All organising team members will report to the SGFF 2025 Manager Danielle Bierman (United States) and the SGFF 2025 Deputy Manager.
The Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) is beginning preparations for the 2025 13th Space Generation Fusion Forum (SGFF) to be held in Colorado Springs, CO – USA on April 4-7, 2025. SGFF will take place in conjunction with the 40th Space Symposium hosted by the Space Foundation.
Thanks to the generous donation of a SGAC Alumnus, SGAC is pleased to announce the five winners of the Nebula Award to attend the 12th Space Generation Fusion Forum (April 5-8, 2024) and the 39th Space Symposium (April 8–11, 2024), to be held in Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.S.A. !
SGAC is delighted to announce that this new scholarship kindly sponsored by Northrop Grumman will bring three outstanding SGAC members to Colorado Springs to participate in the 12th Space Generation Fusion Forum (ِApril 5-8, 2024).
SGAC are pleased to announce the winner of the 2024 SEDS USA Scholarship Competition 2023. This year SGAC partnered with SEDS to bring one delegate to attend the 12th Space Generation Fusion Forum (SGFF), in Colorado Springs during April 5th-8th, 2024.
SGAC is delighted to announce that this year the Global Grants Programme will bring five outstanding SGAC members to Colorado Springs to participate in the 12th Space Generation Fusion Forum (ِApril 5-8, 2024) and the 39th Space Symposium (April 8-11, 2024) in Colorado Springs, USA.
SGAC has partnered with SEDS USA to bring 1 student or staff to attend the Space Generation Fusion Forum 2024 and the first day of the 39th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, USA.
Thanks to the generous donation of a SGAC Alumnus, SGAC will bring five students or young professionals to attend the Space Generation Fusion Forum 2024 (April 5-8) and the Space Symposium (April 8-11) in Colorado Springs, USA.