World Space Week 2020
Voices from global youth on leveraging satellites for better lives
In this webinar, we will hear the winners of the UNOOSA/SGAC Space4Youth competition, that asked young people worldwide contributions to leverage space applications for sustainable development, present their ideas.
SEDS-Canada x SGAC @WSW2020
The “Satellites Improve Life” Webinar as part of World Space Week 2020 is launched to engage Canadian students and young professionals in a discussion on ways satellites are being utilized to improve the life of Canadians.
[Partnered] Spanish Entrepreneurs Travel to Space
The miniaturisation of the space technology and artificial intelligence have contributed to the democratisation of space and have meant the opening to a broader audience. This is allowing thousands of people to find their spot and solve problems through space applied science. Join the conversation to hear what Spanish start-ups are up to!
SGAC @ Galassica – Festival Dell’Astronomia
As part of Galassica - Festival dell'Astronomia, the Italian NPoCs of SGAC will join a Session about the Italian Space Sector and its opportunities. Join us October 8 - Session held in Italian.
[PG-SpaceandCyber] – Space for IoT
GoToMeetingSpace for the IoT: between the race for connectivity and cybersecurity concerns
INTOSPACE – How Small satellites will improve our life
GoToMeetingINTO SPACE is a webinar series organized by SGAC Portugal featuring professionals from diverse backgrounds working in the NewSpace ecosystem. It aims to create awareness among students and young professionals about the roles, skills, and values of different NewSpace jobs. The objective is to show that there is space for everyone to get Into Space, independently of the background. [...]
NextGen Summit @ IAC 2020 CyberSpace
Part of the IAC 2020 - Cyberspace Edition programme, and sponsored by Blue Origin, the NextGen Summit will assemble a mix of fun and engaging online talks, activities and cosmic content!
SGAC Bolivia Webinar No1 @ WorldSpaceWeek 2020
The SGAC National Point of Contact in Bolivia invites you to participate in a free webinar, held in Spanish, on development, experiences and opportunities with Bolivians in the Space Sector.
Emerging Satellite Perspectives for the Philippines
ZoomAs part of the World Space Week's "Satellites Improve Life", the SGAC Team from the Philippines plans to organize a one-day event highlighting emerging commercial satellite applications in the Philippines.
SGAC Bolivia Webinar No2 @ WorldSpaceWeek 2020
Organized by the Bolivian SGAC National Point of Contact, this is the second webinar to discover experiences and opportunities with Bolivians in the space sector. Session held in Spanish.