Isi Casas del Valle
Isi Casas del ValleEvent Manager
With a keen interest in the space sector, Isi recently launched her astropeneur career, seeking to promote space opportunities in Chile and the region, while working in the SHSSP21 at the International Space University. She is the South American Regional Coordinator in SGAC, a prospective member of the International Institute of Space Law, member of the Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Aeronáutico y del Espacio y de la Aviación Comercial, an alumni of the SHSSP18 of the International Space University and a Space Hero Insider.
Jerónimo Pereyra
Jerónimo PereyraProgram Team Lead
Jerónimo Pereyra is a 3rd-year Industrial engineering student passionate about science, high-tech and space exploration. He regularly learns by himself anything from science to global geopolitics and economics, as he is genuinely interested in acquiring a “big picture” to face professional problems holistically. As a result, He’s always looking at new opportunities to participate in events, gain practical experience and improve his skills. After finishing his current studies, He plans to do a space systems/aerospace engineering Masters or a PhD. His end goal is to develop effective, efficient, and feasible space exploration missions, improving mission analysis and design techniques. He is a native Spanish speaker and speaks both English and Italian at an advanced level (C1 – CEFR). Besides that, He’s currently learning French and took three years of Portuguese in High-School.
Uttam Banik
Uttam BanikProgram Team
Uttam Banik is currently doing a research internship at the University of Malta. He did his M.Sc. in ISS and B.Sc. ETE. He works primarily on satellite and space communication. The concentrating area is RF satellite signal, space debris, satellite imaging and satellite security compliances. He has work experience on the RF broadcast operation and engineering. His several publication and presentation were performed in different conferences. His ambition is to appear the modern broadcast technology motivational experiences for his higher learning purposes.
 Omar Laamoumi
Omar LaamoumiProgram Team
Space enthusiast since 1993, Omar is a Belgian citizen currently living in the small town of Kourou in French Guiana. Holding a double degree in Aerospace engineering, his background led him first to Canada, where he has collaborated with scientists from Polytechnique Montreal as a research intern. Back in the Old continent, he has worked 1 year within the Belgian space industry before packing his stuff and going back across the Atlantic Ocean but this time a bit more South than the previous time. French Guiana is a French department located between Brazil and Suriname. Kourou hosts the European spaceport where Omar is currently in charge of the Payload processing facilities operations during launch campaigns.
Johanne Ekue
Johanne EkueDelegate Team Lead
Johanne studied physics at the university of Ghana and is current a Teaching Assistant at the Department of Physics(University of Ghana). Johanne loves astrophysics and climate modeling. She is enthusiastic about the space sector and eager to help grow the space sector in her country.
Javier Suárez
Javier SuárezDelegate Team
Javier Suárez is an Occasional Professor at the National University of Colombia, he is actively working in the fields of planetary sciences and education. He focuses on the use of computational tools to address geological problems encountered in Earth and other solar system bodies surfaces. In his vocation towards education he has advised several students in planetary science related projects.
Abdelrahman Rabie Mohamed
Abdelrahman Rabie MohamedDelegate Team
Abdelrahman is passionate about Physics and looks forward to getting a scholarship and opportunities to study this field. He has volunteered in online vacancies with the UN more than 7 times, only in the last year. Also, he was the international youth chairman in SUNFO Global Federation, a global organization in Sri Lanka.
Anne Nethmini
Anne NethminiPR & Comms Team Lead
Anne is a Healthcare professional and a Social entrepreneur. She holds an associate degree in Computing. She has been participating in image analysis of near earth objects and main belt asteroids. She is a Co-Founder and the CTO of the SriLankan Startup ‘Open Up SL’. She is interested in arts, science and technology.
Tomás Suarez
Tomás SuarezEvent Manager
Tomás Suarez is an Electronics Engineering student and a space enthusiast. He has been working with The Mars Society Argentina bringing to his region space-related projects such as the International NASA Space Apps Challenge hackathon and the CATE (Argentinian Congress of Space Technologies). He is driven by the passion of bringing space knowledge to younger people in order to inspire them.
Josefina Perez
Josefina PerezPR & Comms Team
Josefina is a freelance advertising agent, who has worked for more than five years in the field. She got her degree from the Aconcagua University of Mendoza, Argentina. She is currently a member of The Mars Society Argentina, a non-profit organization dedicated to scientific dissemination, that carries out educational, research and entertainment activities about space and the planet Mars. She believes that one way to contribute to the world is to make creativity available to the needs of society and find solutions to the problem
María Micaela Notti
María Micaela NottiLogistics Team Lead
Micaela is a Public Relations independent professional, who worked as a journalist for nine years at Aeroespacio magazine, of the Argentine Air Force. She got her degree from the University of Business and Social Sciences of Buenos Aires. Currently she is a member of The Mars Society Argentina, a non-profit organization dedicated to scientific dissemination, that carries out educational, research and entertainment activities about space and the planet Mars. She believes “we are individually as we are collectively, so my personal mission is to communicate in order to build the world that I wish for”.
Yael Méndez
Yael MéndezLogistics Team
Microbiologist from the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) and Master’s degree student in Sciences-Geology from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She has worked with Extremophile microorganisms and their applications in astrobiology and geobiology. She participated in the first Colombian crew (crew 203) at The Mars Desert Research Station, as crew Scientist. She was one of the organizers of the first Bootcamp: Colombian Mission to Mars. She is currently the representative of the Latin American chapter The Mars Society in Colombia, a member of the Space Generation Advisory Council and part of the Colombian team of the Moon Village Association PESC.
 Nicolás Paganini
Nicolás PaganiniLogistics Team
Nicolás is a student of industrial design at the National University of Cuyo, Mendoza, and studies 3D digital modeling and CGI independently. He works as a craftsman and designer within Delirarte studio, also, he is the creator of the study “Fukuoka architecture and design”. He is currently a member of The Mars Society Argentina, a non-profit organization dedicated to scientific dissemination, which carries out educational, research and entertainment activities on space and the planet Mars, conducting public relations, advertising and marketing tasks.