Countdown to
4th SA-SGW

The 4th South American Space Generation Workshop (#SASGW18)

“South America: A new world of opportunities for space”

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia

9-10 November, 2018
Hosted by

Following the success of the three past South American Space Generation Workshop (SA-SGW) in the last years, the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) in support of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications is proud to announce its next major regional event in Bogotá, Colombia held on the 9 and 10 of November 2018, which will take place in partnership with the XIII International Congress of Electronics, Control and Telecommunications.

The two-day regional event will bring together Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degree candidates, young professionals, experts, academia, space institutions and industry representatives to create a network, exchange know-how, share best practices and nurture the next generation’s perspective on space matters. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with experts from academia, businesses and space agencies through plenary and panel sessions, keynotes and interdisciplinary working group discussions.

Gathering around 100 delegates (18-35 years old) from all around South America, with expertise in diverse fields such as engineering, business, science, arts, medicine and law, these exchanges will focus on matters relevant for the present and future of the space sector in the region, new opportunities, and different topics regarding international cooperation, and space based problem solving for the South American countries. The Space Generation Workshops (SGWs) are held in every region, each focusing on challenges local to the region, involving both local & regional stakeholders. All discussions are expected to produce recommendations to relevant public, private and non-governmental sectors, helping to shape the future of the South American space environment. Reports and recommendations from the workshop will be presented at high-level conferences and included in the SGAC annual report submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS).

For updates regarding the event, follow us on Facebook and Twitter using #SASGW18 @sgac


Applications for the 4th South American Space Generation Workshop are closed!

(To apply you must be logged in as a SGAC member; please register on the page)

Application Close: 20th September 2018

Invitations sent:  1st October 2018

Fees:  Young professionals U$40 / Students U$20 / Students (Universidad Nacional de Colombia & Universidad Distrital FJdC) U$15


Call for applications to the South American Space Leaders Award now open! 

The South American Space Leaders Award aims to recognize SGAC members for their contributions to the space field in South America as well as to provide opportunities to talented individuals to attend the South American Space Generation Workshop (9 – 10 November 2018) held in Bogotá, Colombia.

(To apply you must be logged in as a SGAC member; please register on the page)

Application Close: 20th of September 2018


Oscar Ojeda : [email protected]
Tania Robles : [email protected]

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