Welcome to Vienna! Willkommen in Wien! We are excited to have you joining us for SGF 2.0! Here you will find information about getting to Vienna as well as information about getting around once in Vienna.
Getting To and From Vienna
From Vienna International Airport/Schwechat:
The most effective route from Vienna International Airport to the venue (Sensengasse 1) is to take the S7 train (leaving at 18 and 48 minutes past every hour) in the direction of Floridsdorf, and get off at Praterstern. From Praterstern, take the 5 tram towards Westbahnhof, and get off at Lazarettgasse. From here, the venue is just a one minute walk.
Be sure to buy a ticket for ~€4.10 at the airport train station before boarding the train. Once bought, validate it using the blue and orange machines and the ticket will last for your whole journey.
From Westbahnhof train station:
Westbahnhof is one of Vienna’s main train stations, located just outside the city center. From here, hop on the 5 tram towards Praterstern and get off at Lazarettgasse. From here, the venue is just a one minute walk.
Be sure to buy a ticket at the train station before boarding the tram. Once bought, validate it using the blue and orange machines. Please see the section “Using Public Transportation” below for the relevant information.
From Hauptbahnhof train station:
Hauptbahnhof is another of Vienna’s main train stations, also located just outside the city center. From here take the U1 subway line towards Leopoldau and get off at Praterstern. Then take the 5 tram towards Westbahnhof and get off at Lazarettgasse. From here, the venue is just a one minute walk.
Be sure to buy a ticket at the train station before boarding the tram. Once bought, validate it using the blue and orange machines. Please see the section “Using Public Transportation” below for the relevant information.
From Erdberg bus station:
Many buses travelling from or to other cities and countries will stop at the Erdberg bus station in Vienna’s third district. From there, take the U3 subway towards Ottakring and get off at Westbahnhof. From Westbahnhof, take the 5 tram towards Praterstern and get off at Lazarettgasse. From here, the venue is just a one minute walk.
Be sure to buy a ticket at the train station before boarding the tram. Once bought, validate it using the blue and orange machines. Please see the section “Using Public Transportation” below for the relevant information.
From Stadion bus station:
The Stadion bus station is another popular destination for those travelling by bus into or out of the city. Hop on the U2 subway towards Karlsplatz and get off at Praterstern. From there take the 5 tram towards Westbahnhof and get off at Lazarettgasse. From here, the venue is just a one minute walk.
Be sure to buy a ticket at the train station before boarding the tram. Once bought, validate it using the blue and orange machines. Please see the section “Using Public Transportation” below for the relevant information.
By Car:
The A1, A2, A4, A22, A23, A24 highways all lead in to Vienna, just be sure to pay the highway tolls.
Additionally, take note of the various parking restrictions throughout the city. Please see the section “Parking in Vienna” below for the relevant information.
Need a Taxi/Uber/airport car hire/city train?
Venue Address: Sensengasse 1, 1090 Vienna
Taxis: Find all information on taxi companies, airport taxis, and other driving services on this website: https://www.wien.info/en/travel-info/to-and-around/taxi
Uber: Uber is also available in Vienna. Simply log on to your Uber app and choose your car!
Airport car hire: 12 car rental companies are situated at Vienna Airport on level 0 of car park 4 (P4). The list of companies can be found here: http://www.viennaairport.com/en/passengers/arrival__parking/car_rental
City train: The mobile app “WienMobil” offers you directions and information regarding the public transport options close to you or for your upcoming journey. Simply download the app and plug in your destination in order to find out the best trains, subways, and trams to take you to where you want to go.
Getting Around in Vienna
Parking in Vienna:
Closest parking garage to venue http://www.parken.at/garage/234/garage-sensengasse
For street parking in 9th district (near venue) please visit the city website for specific information about paying and rules https://www.wien.gv.at/english/transportation/parking/shortterm.htm
Using Public Transportation:
Wiener Linien is the public transportation in Vienna. For detailed information please visit their website here: https://www.wienerlinien.at/eportal3/ep/channelView.do/pageTypeId/66533/channelId/-2000544
*We would suggest you to take a 24/48/72 hour card or single tickets as the weekly card is from Monday 12:00 am until Monday 9:00 am and CANNOT start on another day.
Maps of Vienna:
UBahn (subway) map: http://homepage.univie.ac.at/horst.prillinger/ubahn/m/largemap.html
Bus map: https://viennamap360.com/carte/pdf/en/vienna-bus-map.pdf
Train map: https://viennamap360.com/carte/pdf/en/vienna-train-map.pdf
Vienna does have Uber and taxi services.
Taxi companies –
Tel. +43 1 60 160, www.taxi60160.at
Tel. +43 1 40 100, www.taxi40100.at
Tel. +43 1 31 300, www.taxi31300.at
Banking and Euros:
Banks in Austria include Bank Austria/Unicredit, Raiffeisenbank, Erste Bank, Bawag, etc. There are bankomats/ATMs available around the city and you can also withdraw from a bank even when they are closed if you have a bank card to open the doors.
Austria uses Euros and many locations in Vienna are cash only! Please keep this in mind when withdrawing Euros. You can withdraw or change to Euros at banks or at money exchange locations. Though it might be easier to exchange money to euros in your home country before coming to Austria.
A Note on Sundays!
Most shops, banks, pharmacies, etc are closed on Sundays. However, you can find restaurants, cafes, museums and other tourist spots open on Sundays. If you need something on Sunday please let the SGF 2.0 Team know and we will try to direct you to where you can go.
Closest supermarkets to the venue:
Nußdorfer Straße 4
1090 Vienna
Open: Mon-Fri 07:40-20:00, Sat 07:40-18:00
Alser Strasse 4
1090 Vienna
Open: Mon-Fri 07:40-12:00, Sat 07:40-18:00
Closest pharmacy to the venue:
Währinger Straße 56
1090 Vienna
Open: Mon-Fri 08:00-18:00, Sat 08:00-12:00
Emergency/Police info:
Fire service: 122
Police: 133
Ambulance / rescue: tel. 144
Emergency doctor: tel. 141
European emergency: tel. 112
Vienna Med doctor’s hotline for visitors (0-24): tel. +43-1-513 95 95
Evening and weekend dental service (taped service): tel. +43-1-512 20 78
Evening and Sunday drugstores (0-24): tel. 1455
*More information about Vienna can be found on the official tourism website here:
Points of Contact:
Lauren Napier (SGF 2.0 Event Manager) [email protected]
Hotels Near Venue:
*The best choice is to look for deals via Booking.com, Cheapoair, Expedia, AirBnB, etc as we do not have a sponsored or group discount hotel for SGF 2.0. If you would like to share a room with a fellow delegate please let me know and I can try to connect you with one another.