SGAC announces the winner of the SEDS USA Scholarship to attend SGFF2020

SGAC has partnered with SEDS USA to bring 1 student to attend the 9th Space Generation Fusion Forum (March 28 – 30) and the first day of the 36th Space Symposium (March 30) in Colorado Springs, USA.

Victoria Fethke

Victoria Fethke is a first-year Physics student from Germany studying at the University of Pennsylvania. As a member of Penn Aerospace Club, her local SEDS chapter, she designs a rocket set to reach 10,000 ft and facilitates cross-club collaboration by being a representative to the Ivy Space Council. Driven to improve diversity in STEM, she mentors young girls and women in Houston, Texas through the start-up Blue Chip Scholars, which she hopes to help develop into a global platform to connect young women interested in STEM with industry leaders, university students and each other. Victoria is also passionate about astrophysics and cosmology research as she determined the dark matter density variation in the inner Milky Way at the Astropeiler Stockert Telescope in Germany when she was 16 years old. While growing up in Vietnam, she also was the Design Engineer for a Formula 1 in Schools team that set the country’s records in the World Finals and has since been drawn to finding innovative solutions to engineering problems. She is very passionate about advancing humanity in space and is excited to discuss and learn from different stakeholders about transforming this into reality.

“I’m very grateful to have received the SEDS scholarship to attend SGFF! This is an incredible opportunity to grow alongside like-minded people and I’m excited to apply what I learn to expand the presence of SEDS and the conversation about space at Penn and beyond.”