The South American Space Leader Award aims to recognise SGAC members for their contributions to the space field in South America as well as to provide opportunities to talented individuals to attend the 5th South American Space Generation Workshop (5th SA-SGW) from the 4th of October to the 5th of October 2019 to be held in La Paz, Bolivia.


Embracing diversity is the cornerstone of SGAC’s principles. The goal of the South American Space Leader Award is to provide an opportunity for interaction between members of the space sector with diverse geographic and professional backgrounds. The South American Space Leader Award provides funding support for the attendance of international delegates who bring unique and insightful firsthand perspectives to the 5th SA-SGW.


The winners will receive an award in order to attend the

  • the 5th South American Space Generation Workshop

This award will cover round trip travel costs up to $650 to attend the South American Space Generation Workshop via economy airfare, accommodation, and visa costs for 3 awardees.

The awardees will be presented with a certificate of award during the 5th SA-SGW.

How to Apply

Applications to the South American Space Leader Award are accepted as part of the 5th SA-SGW delegate applications.  You can find more information about the 5th SA-SGW here.

Applicants will submit their application through the South American Space Leaders Award application form.



  1. The scholarship is open to all students and young professionals whose country of residence is in South America. Participants must be SGAC members (registered on the SGAC website) between the age of 18 and 35 years as of the 4th of October 2019.
  2. To be eligible, applicants should have had at least some past contributions to SGAC, as volunteers, or attending SGAC events.
    • Examples of contributions include: attending SGAC events, being a member of an SGAC event team, working with SGAC project groups or being a member of the SGAC team including RCs, NPoCs, Executive Office.
  3. Scholarship judges and organisers are ineligible for the award.
  4. Past winners of the South American Space Leaders Award are ineligible for this award.
  5. Winners should not receive support from any other source to the event. Should winners receive such support midway through the program, SGAC should be informed and solution will be sought.


  1. The language of all submissions must be in English.
  2. Applicants will submit their application through the South American Space Leaders Award application form.
  3. CVs can be submitted via Word document or pdf file uploaded in the application form.
  4. All submissions must be made by the 31st of July 2019, 23:59 GMT. Any submissions after the deadline will not be considered.

Responsibilities of Winners

  1. The winner shall:
    • Attend the 5th SA-SGW in its entirety
    • Support the running of the 5th SA-SGW (as moderator or rapporteur)
    • Contribute to finalising the 5th SA-SGW report
    • Submit a short report (1 page excluding pictures) and a short video (1 minute) describing his or her experience at the 5th SA-SGW for inclusion on the SGAC website, newsletter or social media and that of our partners


  1. The award will be paid out after the 5th SA-SGW, and upon fulfilment of all requirements in a suitable manner as determined by the scholarship coordinators, including any report submissions and submissions of expense claims. It will be paid out no later than 30 days after fulfilment of all responsibilities.
  2. In case applicants receive funding for the 5th SA-SGW by any other organisation, the Scholarships Coordinators shall be informed. If the applicants don’t inform the Scholarships Coordinators, SGAC holds the right to not reimburse the winning author. SGAC aims to reduce the number of double scholarships and will work with the winners to develop a solution in these cases.
  3. Applicants are advised to not engage in any expenses until they have formal confirmation that the competition has been awarded. The SGAC is not liable for any expenses incurred by applicants in any case where a competition is not awarded, or in excess of the value of the awarded grant.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

  1. By submitting an entry, applicants agree to permit SGAC to mention their names, affiliations, and headshot picture in connection with the scholarship.


  1. Organisers shall not be responsible in the event the 5th SA-SGW is cancelled. SGAC will not reimburse the award winner, even if he/she has already incurred expenses.
  2. Organisers shall not be responsible in the event that the award winner fails to attend the 5th SA-SGW is unable to under extenuating circumstances; in that case the award offer shall become void.
  3. Organisers shall not be responsible in the event that the award winner cannot obtain any necessary travel documents; if they are required but not obtained, the award offer shall become void.
  4. The award is not transferable to another event or individual.


The assessment of applications for the South American Space Leader Award will be evaluated by a panel comprised of SGAC Chairs, Executive Director, Regional Coordinators, Scholarship Team Members and the 5th SA-SGW Manager and Deputy Manager.



Evaluation is based on


Contributions to space sector

  • Scientific research (including publications, presentations etc)
  • Industrial research and development
  • Contribution to the management of space programs and projects
  • Involvement with space nonprofits and volunteering in the space community (other than SGAC)
  • Involvement in student activities relating to space

20 %

Contributions to SGAC

  • Attendance of SGAC events
  • Contribution to SGAC project groups or Events
  • Volunteering with the SGAC team as part of the SGAC Executive Committee, Executive Office Teams, Event teams or any other team
  • Willingness to contribute in the future to SGAC

30 %

Reason to be selected for the South American Space Leaders Award?

  • What makes the applicant the perfect candidate for the award
  • What separates the applicant from other candidates

20 %

How would you leverage this opportunity to grow in the space sector?

  • How do you plan to take advantage of the opportunity to attend this SGW to advance your career in the Space Sector
  • How would you engage with the international space community to contribute to the progress of the space sector in your region

20 %

What unique perspective do you bring to this Space Generation Workshop?

  • Departing from your background, culture and knowledge, what kind of perspective and vision would you bring to the SGW

10 %



Entries accepted:


Submission Deadline

31st of July 2019, 23:59 GMT

Review of applications

1st – 15th of August 2019

Information of successful applicants

25th of August 2019


For any questions, please refer to SGAC Scholarships Team ([email protected]).