
SG[Spain] 2023 – Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain | November 18th 2023

Spain’s space sector is experiencing exciting transformations. This year is being marked by the establishment of the Spanish Space Agency, headquartered in Seville, the selection of the first Spanish astronaut since 1992, the readying of the first privately-developed Spanish launch vehicle, and the consolidation of companies covering the full range of space activities, among others. More information about SG[Spain] 2023 at

2023-10-19T23:06:44+02:00October 19th, 2023|Tags: , |

SG[Spain] 2022

After the successful inauguration of SG[Spain] in 2019, the second instance of this event is taking place this summer in Madrid on June 24th and 25th, intended for university students, young professionals (aged 18-35 years) and guest speakers from the space industry, space agencies, space non-governmental organizations and research laboratories. The purpose of the event is to gather together people who are passionate about space coming from different backgrounds to enhance interdisciplinary professional networks and exchange of ideas regarding the future of the space field.

2022-05-10T12:17:21+02:00May 10th, 2022|Tags: , |
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