The Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) has partnered with Aurelia Institute, who has chartered a flight from Zero Gravity Corporation for a microgravity research flight. This one-of-a-kind experience will subject 1 flier and the submitted projects to 20 parabolas of reduced gravity (i.e., Martian, Lunar, and microgravity/zero gravity) for periods of up to 25 seconds! Tentative flight on May 2025, from an airport within driving distance of Boston, MA.
Application deadline: 8th December 2024, 23:59 GMT
SGAC is thrilled to partner with the Aurelia Institute for the 2025 Horizon Program, offering one SGAC member a chance to participate in a once-in-a-lifetime microgravity experience!
The selected flier will:
- Join Aurelia’s Zero Gravity Project Design Course (January–April 2025), a virtual program where participants refine project ideas, learn to design for the microgravity environment, and collaborate with mission integrators to meet FAA and Zero Gravity Corporation requirements.
- Weekly project development including lectures, surveys, and activities
- Experience a Zero-G Flight (tentatively mid-May 2025), a 3 day in-person flight activities in Boston, Massachusetts, including welcome events, technical readiness reviews at the airport, and the Zero-G flight with a flight mission profile including Martian, Lunar, and zero gravity parabolas to test projects in reduced gravity.
Prepare to take your ideas to new heights—apply for this incredible opportunity to design, learn, and fly in microgravity!
Flight Mission Profile
- A typical flight mission consists of twenty parabolas, grouped into four sets of five, with short (3-5 minute) breaks in between.
- Flights usually begin with 2 parabolas of Martian gravity, followed by another 2 parabolas of Lunar gravity. These allow flyers to acclimate to this new environment before the zero-g parabolas for the remainder of the flight.
- A single parabola consists of 2 periods of hypergravity (~1.8 g), lasting ~30 seconds on either side of the reduced gravity period.
- There are no breaks during each set of parabolas, so ~60 seconds of hypergravity are experienced between each reduced gravity portion.
- 1 flight seat for a flier and the submitted project to participate on the Zero-G Corporation aircraft flight.
How to apply
To apply, you will need to prepare the following documents:
- A 1 minute video: Topic – “Tell us about the idea/project you intend to fly and test at the Aurelia Institute for the 2025 Horizon Program”.
- A 1 page document with the description and specifications of your project (1 additional page for pictures, font size 12).
- A recent resume (2 pages max, font size 12).
All submissions must be made by using the Scholarships Submission Form at the bottom of the page (Please make sure to be logged in on the website to see the form).
Please submit your documents as unlocked files.
Your submission should follow the competition guidelines below.
Eligibility criteria
- The competition is open to all students and young professionals from any Member State of the United Nations.
- All participants shall be of the age between 18 and 35 inclusive (up to the day of their 36th birthday) on 31 May 2025.
- Applicants must have sufficient time and interest to actively participate in the virtual project development course (5–10+ hours per week, depending on project complexity).
- Applicants must be prepared to fully attend and complete both the Zero Gravity Project Design Course (January–April 2025) and the Zero Gravity Flight (mid-May 2025).
- Applicants must be in good health, comply with the Zero-G health requirements, and review any concerns with the medical team. Individuals of all abilities are encouraged to apply. Previous participants have included individuals who are blind, deaf, use a wheelchair, or have prosthetics, among others.
- SGAC encourages all qualified applicants, regardless of gender, disability, sexual orientation, cultural or religious backgrounds, to apply.
- Applicants must be able to travel to the United States or independently obtain a US visa before May 2025. Proof of eligibility to travel must be uploaded with your application (e.g., US passport, US residence permit, visa-exempt nationality, valid US visa, or confirmed US visa appointment). Applicants already located in the US or confident in their ability to obtain a visa are strongly encouraged to apply.
- SGAC cannot provide additional funding beyond this scholarship. Travel, accommodations, visa costs, and other expenses are the participant’s responsibility.
- All submissions shall be made using the online form provided. Any submissions after the deadline will not be considered. The Selection Committee reserves the right to extend the competition deadline.
- Competition organizers and judges are not eligible for the competition.
Responsibilities of the Winners
The winning flier shall:
- Attend, actively participate in, and successfully complete the Zero Gravity Project Design Course, taking place between January and April 2025 (or prior to the flight in May 2025).
- Dedicate 5–10+ hours per week to coursework, depending on the maturity and complexity of their project.
- Develop a project specifically designed for the microgravity environment in alignment with the course objectives.
- Join and fully participate in the Zero Gravity Flight as a flier, experiencing and contributing to the mission’s success.
- Submit a short report (2 pages excluding pictures) and a 1-minute video summarizing their experience. These materials may be used on the SGAC website, newsletter or social media, and that of our partner.
Project Guidelines
There are two main types of project that can be supported:
- Worn projects: include items like custom suits, wearables, headsets, and activity trackers that are directly attached to the flier.
- Dimensions: adjusted to be worn by the flier.
- Mass: as light as possible
- Free-float projects: can either be truly free to move around under the supervision of a flier or tethered to the flier or aircraft.
- Dimensions: As small and compact as feasible (less than 6x6x6 inches or 15x15x15 cm) – able to fit in a shared storage container when not in use
- Mass: As light as possible, under 2 lbs (1 kg). A tether may be required for heavier projects.
Safety & Other Considerations
Safety is of the utmost importance onboard, and many items require special consideration to fly. This includes, but is not limited to: batteries, electronics, chemicals, lasers, cameras, magnets, transmitting devices, pressure vessels, and animals.
- Organizers shall not be responsible in the event that the charter flight is canceled. SGAC will not reimburse the winner, even if he/she has incurred expenses.
- Organizers shall not be responsible in the event that the award winner fails to attend the chartered flight or is unable to participate under extenuating circumstances.
- Organizers shall not be responsible in the event that the winner cannot obtain any of the necessary travel documents.
- In case the winner cannot participate in the program, it will be up to the organizers to decide if a back-up candidate can be selected; if the scholarship will be deferred to the following opportunity; and/or, if to delay or cancel the scholarship.
- Organizers may at any time defer, delay and/or cancel this scholarship.
- The award is not transferable to another event or individual.
- Other terms, conditions, limitations of liabilities, requirements and warranties may apply.
Tentative Schedule
Applications Open |
Now! |
Application Deadline |
8 December 2024 – 23:59 GMT |
Winner Announcement
Aurelia Institute’s Zero Gravity |
20 December 2024 January through April 2025 |
Tentative Zero G Flight Cohort |
May 2025 |
For any questions, please refer to the SGAC Scholarships Team [email protected]