The 7th Africa Space Generation Workshop

29th – 30th November, 2023

#Exploring Space and Beyond

What is the 7th African Space Generation Workshop (AF-SGW)?

The 7th African Space Generation Workshop (AF-SGW) is a two-day workshop, which brings together students, young professionals, industry experts and government stakeholders from across the African continent. It provides an unparalleled opportunity for the future leaders of Africa’s space sector to proactively establish strong relationships, exchange ideas and knowledge, and to collaborate on novel ways in which space technology can be utilized for the benefit of Africa. The 7th AF-SGW will take place on the 29th and 30th November 2023 in Harare, Zimbabwe. The theme for this workshop is ‘A New Era for African Space Market: Unleashing Potential for Prosperity’ and participants will be divided into working groups (WGs), each focusing on a specific sub-theme broadly covering Space Applications, Space Policy and Law, Space Technology, Capacity building and Space Business Opportunities.  



Countdown to
7th AF-SGW 2023


Who should attend?

We invite students and young professionals between the ages of 18 to 35 years old (as of November, 2022) who are passionate about the space industry to apply to be a part of the delegation. Past delegates have attended from all around Africa and from a wide variety of disciplines (engineering, business, science, arts, medicine and law). We also encourage space enthusiasts from across the world to participate in this event.

What is my Role at the 7th AF-SGW?

By attending the African Space Generation Workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn, share knowledge and network with fellow students and young professionals in the industry, and meet the industry’s leaders and experts. All discussions from the working groups are expected to produce recommendations to relevant public, private, and non-governmental sectors, helping to shape the future of the African space industry. Reports and recommendations from the workshop will be presented at high-level conferences and included in the SGAC annual report submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS).

EXAMPLE (Photo from the 6th AF-SGW 2022 in Rabat, Morocco)

Useful information

  • Registrations to attend the 7th AF-SGW 2023 are now open . For details of the next steps, see dedicated subpage registrations. Submission deadline: 15th August 2023  29 September 2023.
  • Applications for scholarships are open . It will be a great experience! Submission deadline: 15th August 2023.
  • For questions or concerns regarding the registration process, please contact the AF-SGW Delegates Team at their mail address [email protected]