European Space Generation Workshop
8th – ESGW Delegates Application Form
8th European Space Generation Workshop Event 2024
European Space Generation Workshop
8th European Space Generation Workshop Event 2024
The 6th E-SGW progamme is currently being developed by SGAC, together with event sponsors. In accordance with previous editions, the programme will comprise keynote lectures, discussion panels & working groups centred around a range of space topics of both local and international importance. Program at a Glance: The Conference Program has been updated with more details now that
Working Group Topic 1 - Space Applications for Europe Description: Space applications have been an integral part of Europe’s societal and economic development for several decades. From helping fight climate change, to supporting scientific research on Earth, they represent great assets towards solving problems on the ground. This working group will consider how space applications can help Europe meet
Grand Supporter The Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy Mr. Kokkinos Kyriacos has been supporting the vision of the event since its conception. The Deputy Ministry has provided its support and representatives of the ministry will be joining at the panel discussions. We appreciate the support of our sponsors:
Why Limassol? Limassol is the second largest city on the island in population and urban area. The city holds a stunningly rich history of 4000 years with marvelous ancient monuments still standing, including the Kourion Amphitheater and the Kolossi Castle. We chose Limassol as the city to host the 6th European SGW in Cyprus for a variety
The sixth European Space Generation Workshop is organized by a great team of SGAC volunteers. You can get to know a little more about them here! Organising Team Michalis Benakis, Cyprus, Event Manager Michalis Benakis, PhD, is an Electrical and Computer Engineer from Cyprus currently working as a digital transformation and management consultant. After receiving
The 6th European Space Generation Workshop (#ESGW2022) Limassol, Cyprus 9-10 April, 2022 Supported by The Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy Hosted by The Cyprus University of Technology & The Eratosthenes Centre of Excellence The European Space Generation Workshop (E-SGW) is an international event that aims to bring together students and young professionals to
The 5th E-SGW Application Form We warmly invite you to apply to the 5th European Space Generation Workshop - Online Edition, organized by the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC). Key dates: 18th March - Applications open Applications are open until reaching full capacity of the number of attendees Applications will be evaluated based on your motivation to attend the E-SGW
The main goal of the European Space Generation Workshop is to get together young space enthusiasts from all over Europe. Therefore, in addition to the congress itself, some other activities are organized where participants will have the chance to get to network, engage and get to know local space related facilities. During the week some social and networking activities will