SGAC is proud to present the June 2021 Member of the Month!

SGAC Membership has been steadily growing throughout the years and among our teams there are many incredible young space enthusiasts who are being recognised for their hard work and contributions to the organisation.

Continuing the amazing efforts SGAC members and events organizing teams have provided the network with, for June 2021, we are pleased to announce and congratulate: Giuliana Rotola – Member of the Month, June 2021!

Meet Giuliana Rotola

Giuliana Rotola is a research intern at the European Southern Observatory in External Relations and Science Policy Affairs, working on the impact of satellite constellations on astronomy. She holds a joint bachelor’s and master’s degree from the University of Trento in Comparative, European, and Transnational Law and a Master of Space Studies from the International Space University (ISU). 

Before joining ISU, she conducted research at the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL – ESA) and in the Institut du Droit de l’Espace et des Télécommunications (IDEST), and worked at the Leuven Center for Global Governance Studies. Giuliana is also a research fellow at the Open Lunar Foundation, a 2020 Fellow in Space Studies at the Foresight Institute, and a member of the Legal Council of For All Moonkind. 

Within Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), she serves as Space Law and Policy Project Group Co-Lead, as an advisor to the Task Force on U.S. Space Legislation, as Co-lead of the Satellite Constellations team for the Space Safety and Sustainability Project Group, and she is a member of the SGAC E.A.G.L.E. Action Team on effective and adaptive governance for a lunar ecosystem.


We would like to thank Kyran Grattan, SGAC Co-Lead Space Law and Policy Project Group, for nominating Giuliana Rotola:

“Exceptional management of the Project Group’s on-going activities which have ballooned our level of activity since Giuliana was appointed Co-Lead of the Space Law and Policy Project Group.

Outstanding collaborative efforts with the Space Safety and Sustainability Project Group (leading a research group there), the Ethics and Human Rights Project Group (initiating cross-PG collaboration) and the EAGLE team (in which Giuliana is a core member. She contributed substantially to our UN technical presentation of LTS Guidelines implementation and to the EAGLE report which was presented to the UN as well. She contributed substantially to a manuscript for GLEX 2021. 

Contributed significantly to the Taskforce on US Space Policy by helping to organize our first webinar, meeting with members of US Congress and their staffers in addition to contributing to our policy memos. On top of this, her character radiates motivation and enthusiasm which rubs off on the whole team and is indispensable for the success of the Project Group.”

Giuliana’s role as part of the SGAC team

Giuliana serves as the Space Law and Policy Project Group Co-Lead and advisor to the Task Force on U.S. Space Policy. She is also the Co-Lead of the Satellite Constellations team for the Space Safety and Sustainability PG, a member of the Ethics and Human Rights Project Group, and a member of the E.A.G.L.E. Action Team.

Giuliana, tell us what was your reaction to receiving the nomination?

“I was thrilled, but above all, grateful to the SGAC team, especially the Space Law and Policy Project Group, and my precious friend and co-lead Kyran Grattan, because all the achievements I have accomplished since I am part of the SGAC family have been possible above all thanks to the commitment and enthusiasm that these people put into shaping the space sector and our future every day.”

What advice would you give to those considering joining SGAC? 

“Just get involved! 

I have seen engineers shining in law and policy projects, lawyers designing lunar bases, students and young professionals from all over the world always investigating new areas of space exploration. SGAC is an excellent place to learn, find inspiration in making your space dreams come true, and help shape an extraordinary future for the new generations.”

Would you like to share with us a special quote you feel guided by, or how would you motivate others to stay focused on their goals?

“In my career, I have been passionate about archeology at first, then the law, afterward space, now astronomy, and over time I have managed to connect all the dots even for these areas that would seem so disconnected from each other. So, don’t lose sight of your dreams, but also, be ready to create new ones.

Ad Astra!”