Abuja, Nigeria
27th October, 2023

They say space is the final frontier.

For the Space Generation Advisory Council in Nigeria, we firmly believe that it holds a significant role in shaping the future of our beloved country. Get ready to be a part of something extraordinary as we extend a warm welcome to SG [Nigeria] 2023. 

This premier event is dedicated to students and young professionals between the age of 18-35 who are engaged or interested in the Nigerian Space Industry. It serves as a platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and innovation.

The theme for this year is “Honoring the Past, Embracing the Future”.

The event, SG [Nigeria] pays tribute to the trailblazers and experts who have paved the way in the Nigerian space industry. Together, we’ll celebrate their remarkable legacy while inspiring the next generation to push boundaries and explore endless possibilities in space technologies for the development of our country.

Register and join us in Abuja, the City of Unity in October 2023, at The Nile University, as we gather for SG [Nigeria] 2023. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to be part of a revolution that will shape the future of the Nigerian Space Industry.

See you in Abuja! 🚀

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