he SG[Spain] event will bring together key players in the Spanish space sector—both industry giants and successful newcomers—to discuss and debate the future of the industry for the benefit of students and young professionals. Later, through the workshops brought by our sponsors, participants will contribute to boosting the impact of space in our society and to incentivising the Spanish footprint in space-related activities.

For this edition of SG[Spain], major focus will be placed on entrepreneurship, its challenges, and how to succeed in a new market. Discussions on the future of the space industry and the experiences of new companies that have broken into the international market will provide a wide view for interested professionals. In parallel to this, other topics will also be discussed, such as space sustainability in the next decades and the role of local actors in the imminent new era of space exploration.

The takeaway from this event will be an energizing exchange of ideas among people from varied backgrounds, and connections with other young professionals and industry experts passionate about space.