SSS Vacancies

    Space Safety and Sustainability Project Group       SSS Home Team Current Projects Past Projects Repository Newsletter Essay Competitions SSS Blogs Vacancies Contact Us Vacancy 1: Website Coordinator Are you passionate about space sustainability and communications? The Space Safety and Sustainability Project Group is looking for a Website [...]

2024-12-14T21:08:29+01:00November 27th, 2024|Tags: , , , |

SSS Repository

    Space Safety and Sustainability Project Group     SSS Home Team Current Projects Past Projects Repository Newsletter Essay Competitions SSS Blogs Vacancies Contact Us Welcome to our Exclusive Database of Goodness! Conference Repository Every relevant space conference - all in one place! [...]

2024-11-27T18:58:40+01:00March 31st, 2024|Tags: , |

Space Tourism: A Closer Look on Safety Sustainability

Looking at a rocket launch, it is difficult not to be amazed by the scene of a huge machine shooting straight up into the sky, creating enormous smoke clouds around it. The astronauts on the rocket have trained for years for this moment and have a hectic few months of important scientific work awaiting them. However, with the rise of space tourism, some things have changed. These new space travelers do not receive much training and go to space mostly for their entertainment. While it is impressive that within a few decades, space flight has become so much more accessible, it also raises the question of whether we are prepared for a large space tourism economy, especially from a safety and sustainability standpoint.

2023-08-16T19:09:28+02:00August 16th, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Interview with Nia Van Woggelum

In the middle of May, I had the pleasure of interviewing Nia van Woggelum for the first edition of our new interview series ‘Women in Space for Safety and Sustainability’. Nia has over twelve years of experience producing composite products and is currently working as the Manager of Operations at GTM Advanced Structures. We spoke about her career journey, aspects of safety and sustainability that she encounters in her work, as well as her experiences as a woman of color in her field.

NASA’s Take on Space Debris Mitigation

On 10 March 2023, NASA published a study into the costs and benefits of orbital debris remediation. NASA cited the importance of sustainability in space for future generations to use and explore the domain as one of the key factors in the decision to undertake this incredibly detailed study. 

2023-05-12T07:37:18+02:00May 12th, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Update: US Guidance on Responsible Behaviour in Space

On March 3rd, 2023, US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin released updated guidelines for safe and responsible space operations in a memo labelled "Tenets of Responsible Behaviour in Space." The memo covers five tenets, outlining specific behaviour applicable to military operations. 

2023-05-12T07:15:24+02:00May 12th, 2023|Tags: , , |

SSS Team

    Space Safety and Sustainability Project Group     SSS Home Team Current Projects Past Projects Repository Newsletter Essay Competitions SSS Blogs Vacancies Contact Us Meet our Core team! SSS Project Group Co-Lead Mahhad Nayyer Mahhad Nayyer is an Astronautical Engineering graduate [...]

2024-12-04T09:34:31+01:00December 5th, 2022|

Contact Us

    Space Safety and Sustainability Project Group       SSS Home Team Current Projects Past Projects Repository Newsletter Essay Competitions SSS Blogs Vacancies Contact Us   We'd Love To Hear From You, Get In Touch With Us! To find out more about the Space Safety and Sustainability Project Group, [...]

2024-11-27T19:35:14+01:00December 5th, 2022|

Space technology and its contribution to the challenge of climate change: Floods

How does space technology help us with climate issues here on earth? The use of space technologies for disaster management as well as climate change-related issues continues to gain increasing attention around the world. Several national space organizations such as the European Space Agency (ESA) and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) are calling for an active increase in the use of satellites for disaster mitigation and recovery efforts. 

2021-09-28T17:29:55+02:00September 28th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Are Public-Private Partnerships the Key to Expanding Internet Accessibility?

As a species, humans have progressed rapidly over the last half-century towards a world of information. The rise of the internet has changed the expectations and ability of learning and communicating. Although this change does seem ubiquitous, a large portion of the population still lacks consistent internet access. This discrepancy lies in the profitability and feasibility of building ground infrastructure for wireless broadband. Now, however, with the rise of the commercial space industry partnering with nations throughout the globe, orbital satellites in Low-Earth Orbit (LEO), Mid-Earth Orbit (MEO), and Geospatial-Earth Orbit (GEO) have the capacity to revolutionize internet accessibility. In accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goal 17, Partnerships, countries and private companies are at a precipice to expand internet accessibility.

2021-09-28T16:55:31+02:00September 27th, 2021|Tags: , , |
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