Mehak is the SPT co-coordinator, and has been with the SPT for the last year. Outside of SGAC, she splits her time as a Research Associate between the MIT Media Lab and Harvard Business School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. At the Media Lab, she works with the Space Exploration Initiative, and develops projects that support our mission of democratizing access to space. At the Harvard Business School, she helps develop cases on companies in the space industry. She is passionate about our future in space, and hopes to send some hardware to the Moon one day!



Nominator’s Motivations

Camilo Reyes – Strategic Partnerships Team 

I have been working with Mehak during the past year and I have been always surprised by how empathetic she is as well as her leadership skills, not only within our team but also with partners and the whole community; Mehak is always supporting all the SGAC regional and global events and she is always very supportive with the RCs and NPOCs of new ideas for engaging more with their local communities through creating new partnerships and enhancing the already existing ones. I think she deserves to be nominated as the member of the month of SGAC.

Mehak’s reaction:

Working with SGAC, especially in the past few months, has been a pleasure. I’m extremely thankful to all the wonderful people who make SGAC and SPT wonderful, you all make volunteering fun and worth it! 

Personal quote Mehak feels guided by:

“Change is the law of life, and those who only look to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.” – President John F. Kennedy

From Clémentine Decoopman, SGAC Executive Director

I had the chance to meet Mehak for the first time in 2018 in Singapore on the occasion of the 25th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-25). I was so impressed by her enthusiasm and passion for space. I immediately thought she would be the perfect fit for the Strategic Partnership Team at SGAC as she is dedicated to providing opportunities to others to learn and grow their career in space. She joined SGAC as the Strategic Partnership Coordinator and we have been working together hand-in-hand since then to expand the SGAC network and find new partners and sponsors to support the SGAC activities. 

Mehak is an exceptional leader, highly professional, who knows how to keep her team motivated and recognizes their work as volunteers. People who have the chance to work with her will, for sure, have their best time! She absolutely deserves the Member of the Month award!