Despite the unfortunate events unfolding at a rapid pace for the last couple of months, the overall response of SGAC Community has been to unconditionally empower, assist and support Everyone, no matter their location around the World. Teams of volunteers have been focussed on enabling virtual workshops and webinars engaging thousands of people in activities, keeping the network United.
With this in mind we are pleased to congratulate the SGAC PR & Communications Team as the Members of the Month of June 2020 for their incredible support offered to their peers!
PR & Communications team – you’ve been Outstanding!
Well done Everyone! Stay Strong! Stay United!
Nominator’s Motivations
Bethany Downer – PR & Communication Coordinator:
“Due to the evolving challenging circumstances around the world and subsequent impact on SGAC’s activities over the recent months, the role and work required of the SGAC PR & Comms team has grown exponentially. I am immensely proud of this team for what they have accomplished over the past three months and I would love for SGAC to recognize this dedication they’ve displayed.
Not only has this team supported the SGAC teams whose events have been postponed or cancelled, but they have facilitated the promotion and outreach of more than 30 webinars worldwide over the course of April through June. Webinars became the new means for SGAC’s events, project groups, NPoCs, and partners to keep the SGAC community and network active. To facilitate these events, the PR & Comms team supported all event visuals and branding, social media promotion, and the archiving and dissemination of webinar recordings.
Meanwhile, the team has also supported the promotion of the upcoming SGU event, the development of the 3rd edition of the Humans of SGAC Campaign, and the upcoming launch of SGAC’s online shop. I wish to note that 7 new PR & Comms team members were onboarded very recently in March 2020, so they have been exceptional by stepping up to these vast activities and efforts, and their commitment in their first months with the team has been evident. Furthermore, the team’s new co-leads Maggie & Erin (onboarded in May) have been trained and transitioning into their new role throughout the course of this exceptionally busy time and their motivation has been truly welcomed. They have truly adopted their role with professionalism and motivation in the busiest of times. Furthermore, support from Matteo Cappella, the Operations Manager that oversees the activities of the PR & Comms team, has been exceptional and appreciated as always. I am sincerely proud of the dedication, patience and motivation displayed by all members of the PR & Comms team members over the past 3 months and I know the rest of the SGAC team is too!
After 2 years in the role, I am now finishing up as Coordinator of the SGAC Public Relations and Communications Team. This was a challenging few months to finish with that would in no way have been possible without this amazing team, I will forever be grateful for that and what this team accomplished throughout these challenging and unprecedented times.”
From Matteo Cappella, SGAC Operations Manager
“For the last three months, the PR & Comms team has been working tirelessly to assist members and teams in having communications disseminated across SGAC social media in the midst of a surge of SGAC online activities. In addition to SGAC everyday communications, almost 50 webinars have been advertised multiple times; many postponements, cancellations and official statements have been disseminated with a last minute notice.
Managing consistently and professionally 10 accounts across 5 different platforms is not easy, and the team deserves to be acknowledged for doing so brilliantly, while working on the background to keep launching new initiatives and campaigns to maintain all of us engaged and informed on everything-SGAC. I’m proud of the professionalism of this team: they totally deserve being recognized as Members of the Month!”
Further on, we would like to invite you to read some of the team members’ first impressions and encouragement messages:
“I’m thrilled to be part of the PR & Comms Team that has been awarded SGAC Members of the Month! Having joined the team at the beginning of the year, I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know and workIng with such brilliant people who are so deserving of this recognition for their efforts during these strange past few months.” – Cian O’Regan – PR & Comms Team Member
“There are many teams involved in SGAC that contribute in pushing the organization forward so it’s an honor to be recognized for the work we’ve been doing. While the global pandemic has caused the world to feel separated at times, I enjoy working with the PR & Comms team because we’re truly focused on bringing the SGAC community closer together.” – Mclee Kerolle – PR & Comms Team Member
“What a wonderful surprise! I am thrilled to see our team’s commitment and enthusiasm being recognised collectively – this is a powerful reminder of the role we play as a group in supporting SGAC’s mission!” – Andra Octavia Cutuhan – Regional Communications Manager (Europe) and SGAC Newsletter Coordinator
“I am overwhelmed with this wonderful recognition of the work of the PR & Comms team!! The team is made of passionates and we can feel it across all the fantastic activities that we worked on! It is a great adventure to be a part of this team and have amazing leadership!” – Natalia Lemarquis – PR & Comms Team Member
“What fantastic news! I’m truly grateful that our team has been selected as the “SGAC Members Of The Month.” It’s an honor to work closely with talented peers on the most exciting projects that provide us with so many enriching experiences. Pandemic just demonstrated once again how strong, adaptable, and dedicated our PR & Comms team is”. – Ksenia Synkova – PR & Comms Social Media Manager
“Since the global pandemic, SGAC Teams across the board have been in overdrive (or, “warp drive”). I’m so humbled by the amount of energy, passion, and hope our community has shown us in working through this pandemic together. It’s a blessing to be here at the PR & Comms team to witness the change we’re making to the world by means of social media and external relations.” – Antonio Stark – SGAC Brand & Identity Manager and Asia-Pacific Regional Partnerships Manager
“I have only been the PR & Comms team Co-Lead for a few short weeks, but I can already say with utmost confidence that this recognition is well-deserved. This incredibly diverse team of excited, motivated, wildly creative individuals is united by a love for space outreach and it shines through in all of their efforts.” – Erin Gibbons – PR & Comms Co-Lead (incoming)
“I am so proud of all of the SGAC PR&Comms team members worldwide who helped facilitate the success of the many SGAC initiatives over the recent weeks and months as we navigate these unprecedented times. I am truly lucky to have worked with such amazing individuals over the past two years and while I’m sad to be departing this role, I cannot wait to see the amazing things this team will continue to accomplish!” – Bethany Downer – PR & Comms Coordinator (outgoing)