Online Masterclasses

In order to help maximise your chances of success, we are providing our selected hackers with the unique opportunity to participate in pre-Hackathon online Masterclasses! You will learn about the essentials that you need to address the main topic of “How can space technology and know-how help make a leap forward towards gender equality on Earth?”

We are inviting the top experts of the global aerospace sector to share their knowledge and experience with you, don’t miss this opportunity and APPLY FOR THE HACKATHON! Once the application and selection periods are over, you will be invited to these exclusive Masterclasses.

How: over zoom, once or twice a week

When: July 20th – August 5th

How long: each Masterclass will be between 1 and 2 hours long, where you will receive a class from the invited expert and ask your questions. You are encouraged to start discussing your ideas and solutions with the experts!

Masterclass on satellite data utilization

by Alina Vizireanu

23 July, 2022 – 20:30 KST/13:30 CEST

In this webinar, Alina will walk you through how satellite data engineering and remote sensing can be utilised to provide real life applications (such as risk management or resource distribution). Different applications and use cases will be discussed for the information obtained after processing the satellite data and how they can tie in to make Earth a gender equal place. You will also get to see how satellite engineering can be leveraged to come up with commercially viable solutions.

By the end of this masterclass, we hope you would have a fundamental understanding of how geospatial analysis (GIS) can be used to identify patterns and blind spots and how they can prove useful in reducing the several socio-economics issues faced by gender minorities all across the world.

Useful Links:

    1. Gender, GIS & the Sustainable Development Goals
    2. 13 Applications of remote sensing in Disaster management
    3. How geospatial technologies can help in achieving gender equality
    4. Women’s Geospatial Perspectives Bring New Ways of Thinking
    5. Mapping Gender Data Gaps

Alina Vizireanu is a Geospatial and Earth Observation professional with a drive toward Human Development in the Space sector. With over 15 years of experience, Alina founded AVINTERRA Consulting, where the team is focused on making a change in the monitoring of climate resilience programs and addressing the societal impact of biodiversity loss. In addition, Alina volunteers her spare time for organisations that aim to make a difference in NextGen’s development, creating programs and collaborating with organisations at a global level. SGAC Alumna, a member of the IAF Space Education and Outreach Committee and Women+ in Geospatial, she is a mentor and advisor for young people and startups through her coaching business, Starseeds.

Masterclass on Space sector overview

by Maxime Puteaux

26 July, 2022 – 17:00 KST/10:00 CEST

Maxime will give you an overview of the global space sector. Come to learn about current trends in space business and the value chain. Also, ask your questions about how the space sector is to develop in the near future!

At the end of this masterclass, you will have an understanding of the “big picture”. Hopefully, you will be able to reflect and discuss how your own idea fits within this puzzle. You will also be able to ask for tips about finding partners and sponsors in the deep blue of the space business sector.

Since joining Euroconsult in 2012, Maxime manages consulting and research assignments related to space industry activities such as launch and manufacturing for leading and emerging stakeholders. 

Maxime has managed and contributed to more than 40 consulting missions including for government institutions, industry players and investors covering commercial due diligence, launch market analysis, satellite and constellation forecasting and strategic foresight. On the research side, Maxime is the editor in chief for Euroconsult’s research report Satellites to Be Built and Launched and Space Logistics Markets. 

Prior to joining Euroconsult, he worked as a young graduate trainee at CNES and participated in the ISU Space Studies Program. Maxime holds a Master’s Degree from the Institute of Space and Telecom Law (Paris Saclay) and graduated from the Institute of Air & Space Law of McGill University (Montreal). Maxime joined SGC 2013 in Beijing.

Masterclass on reaching Sustainable Development Goal #5

by Adriana Cursino Thomé

30 July, 2022 – 19:00 KST/12:00 CEST

Adriana will walk you through the agenda of sustainable development, specifically focusing on the Sustainable Development Goal #5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. You will look at the targets and progress on the SDG5 made so far, and specifically see how space can help make a leap towards achieving the Goal.

At the end of the day, we hope that you will have an idea of the sector (e.g. agriculture, health and sanitation, politics, etc.) that you want to address or a problem (e.g. eradicating violence, fighting against child marriage, providing equal access to data and opportunities, etc.) that you would like to solve, at the hackathon.

Recommended reading before the Masterclass:

  1. Sustainable Development Goal #5
  2. Gender equality and women’s empowerment
  3. 10 causes of gender inequality
  4. Ten things to know about gender equality
  5. 10 examples of gender inequality in the world

Recommended viewing before the Masterclass:

Adriana Cursino Thomé holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of São Carlos – UFSCar (1994), a Master’s Degree in Applied Computing to Space Technologies and Applications from the National Institute for Space Research – INPE (1998), a Doctorate in Applied Computing to Space Technologies and Applications from the National Institute of Space Research – INPE (2004), a Specialization in Strategic Management of Science and Technology in Public Research Institutes from the Getulio Vargas Foundation – FGV (2012), and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) at the University of London (2020).

She currently works at the Office of International Affairs at the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MCTI). In the international relations field, she has been actively participating for some years now as a Brazilian delegate in the Sessions of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) and in its Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (STSC) as well.

Another area that which she has been active in is related to the empowerment of women in the space field. In this regard, one activity that she was particularly involved in was the organization of the United Nations/Brazil/UAE Space for Women Expert Meeting, held in Dubai in October 2021.

Masterclass on Business pitch & Management

by Ksenia Ozkok Synkova

6 August, 2022 – 19:00 KST/12:00 CEST

Details coming shortly!

Ksenia is a mentor of tech leaders and a founder of re.gravity – boutique marketing agency for space-related projects. She is focusing on helping space experts to build their personal brands and develop businesses by leveraging digital platforms.

Ksenia is the author of the course “Re.brand Your Space Identity” tailored for entrepreneurs, experts, young professionals, STEAM students, and space communicators. She is building a global space leaders community that drives an increase of space outreach.

Previously Ksenia led marketing and communications at Spacebit, the first commercial UK mission to the Moon. She gained professional experience at a Space News Magazine, Space Watch Global and at the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA). She was also active in the private sector while working for the international companies Siemens and OMV in Vienna.

Masterclass on Business plan development

by Keeisi Caballero

4 August, 2022 9:00 KST/2:00 CEST

Developing a strong business plan is critical for Astropreneurs! In this session, Keeisi Caballero, MS MBA, a passionate physicist turned entrepreneur, will walk the audience through an introduction to Business Plan Development.

By the end of this session, we hope that you will be equipped with more resources to communicate the mission of your unique solution, analyze the market to understand existing solutions and what sets yours apart, assess the viability of your venture, and more.

Recommended Reading:

  1. The Galactic Guide to Space Entrepreneurship | International Space University (ISU) 
  2. How To Launch A Space Startup | Fast Company 
  3. How To Create A Business Plan | Forbes 
  4. How to Write a Perfect Business Plan in 9 Steps | Shopify Blog
  5. Business Plans for Scientists | BioBM

Keeisi Caballero is a serial entrepreneur, scientist, and space enthusiast. Keeisi has a proven track record in cultivating strong relationships, and spearheading strategic plans into execution. She currently works as Operations and Outreach Analyst at Spaced Ventures, the world’s first investment platform dedicated to space companies, where she works directly with tech founders to craft their pitch for investors. 

She also serves as business development lead for Permittivity, LLC, a NASA spinoff. In 2020, Keeisi worked as Director of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development at Expanding Frontiers, a tech-accelerator in South Texas where she aided in developing a nationally recognized hatchery and incubator program for NASA spin-offs. She obtained her Master of Business Administration from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley in 2019 and a Master of Science in Physics from the same institution in 2020. 

Keeisi’s passions revolve around promoting educational opportunities to underrepresented minorities and the pursuit to become a multiplanetary species.

Masterclass on Legal mentorship

by Mclee Kerolle

9 August, 2022 – 19:00 KST/12:00 CEST

Come for legal mentorship with Mclee! He is going to talk about space policy and the essentials that you should know about before launching a space-related project or business. Ask about leading international projects aiming for a global impact! Have you already thought about the legal framework of your work, and how to protect your solution? 


Recommended reading before the Masterclass:

  1. Space Law, UN
  2. 8 pieces of startup legal advice all rookie entrepreneurs should know
  3. For further interest in space policy, try the Space Policy journal

Mclee Kerolle (pronounced Mac-lee Ca-roll), hailing from New York, is a graduate of the International Institute of Air and Space Law at Leiden University where he wrote his Masters thesis on the regulation of commercial spaceports worldwide. While his thesis was inspired by Spaceport America, it specifically focused on the proposed spaceports in Hawaii and Curacao. During his time at Leiden, Mclee worked at the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS) where his responsibilities focused on researching third party liability issues associated with commercial human spaceflight.

He also served as the Executive Secretary for the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) and is an inaugural member of their Effective and Adaptive Governance for a Lunar Ecosystem (E.A.G.L.E.) Action Team. His work with E.A.G.L.E. resulted in a Lunar Charter Report being presented at the United Nations’ Office of Outer Space Affairs Legal Subcommittee in the summer of 2021.

Mclee also serves as the Deputy Executive Director for the Space Court Foundation, a 501(c)(3) that specializes in promoting space law and policy education. In addition, Mclee is the Program Director for the Caribbean Space Society, a working group of the Institute of Caribbean Studies that aims to establish a unified Caribbean Space Agenda.