Space Safety and Sustainability Project Group
Our Completed Projects:
Throughout the years the SSS PG has been focusing on a various number of topics related to space safety and sustainability of outer space activities.
All completed projects and topics can be found hereafter.
SSS Essay Competition
(2018 – present)The annual SSS essay competition has been launched in 2018 since then two editions have been conducted with different themes:
Theme 2019 – How can humanity expand into outer space in a safe and sustainable way?
Theme 2020 – What Space Traffic Management measures must be internationally implemented to improve the safety and sustainability of outer space?
With this competition series, the SSS PG is aiming at providing a platform for the young space generation towards pressing issues in the space industry. Every year we are partnering with different companies and organizations to shed a light on current and future issues related to space safety and sustainability.
SSS Education and Outreach
(2014 – 2020)The SSS PG is a very active group focused on the safety and sustainability of space from the perspective of young people and outreach is required to share our research with the public. This group works to inform the public of SSS’s past, present, and future projects, alongside other SSS initiatives like manuscripts and conferences.
The education series program aims to raise awareness of space safety and sustainability issues and acts as a starting point for young researchers wishing to enter this field. Two volumes of this series have been released; Space Situational Awareness and Space Weather: Effects on Space Missions. A third and last volume of Space Safety featuring topics such as spacecraft risk assessment, space flight, and operational safety, and legal, policy, and ethics is currently under internal review.
Human Space Flight & Space Environment
(2016 – 2020)Health and the comfort of astronauts in space are of the utmost priority. The focus is to keep the astronauts alive, happy and healthy to be able to carry out their mission. This group focused on space life sciences (from life support systems to psychology in space) and other scientific interests in a microgravity environment as well as political and commercial aspects of crewed exploration of outer space.
Topics throughout the years:
- Gravity Variation Researchers and their Benefits
- Astronaut Mental Health in Crewed Missions
- International Cooperation for Mars Mission Planning
- Mars Space Suit Safety
- Colonies Governance
- Space Weather
- One-way Human Mission to Mars
- Safety Analysis of a Crewed Mission to Venus
Space Debris
(2014 – 2019)Space debris is extremely dangerous for spacecraft and satellite operations and there are tens of thousands of detectable objects in orbit around Earth finding an effective method to de-orbit them presents a major challenge. These projects review different de-orbiting techniques and analyze the risks of such methods with a special interest in small LEO satellites. Moreover, the debris environment, as well as removal methods, have been evaluated and special attention was laid on a space-based laser system for active debris removal.
Topics throughout the years:
- Active Debris Removal with a Space-Based Laser System
- Active Debris Removal Policy
- Object Prioritization for Active Debris Removal
- Orbital Debris Management
- Active Debris Removal Mapping
On-Orbit Servicing
(2014 – 2016)On-Orbit Servicing (OOS) is the practice of repairing, restoring, and refueling satellites in orbit for profit and the practical difficulties of OOS are highly relevant to the safety and sustainability of space. Technical, economical, and legal problems concerning the implementation and regulation of OOS have been addressed by this multidisciplinary group throughout several studies.
Topics throughout the years:
- The On-Orbit Servicing Answer to Safety and Sustainability of Future Space Activities
- Spacecraft Safety Enhancement through On-Orbit Servicing
- International Spacecraft Design Policies for On-Orbit Servicing